BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Chemistry Colloquium: Bioinspired Reactivity in Metal-Organic F rameworks\n\nProfessor Casey Wade will be the guest speaker for the Departm ent of Chemistry & Biochemistry Colloquium presenting on Bioinspired Reacti vity in Metal-Organic Frameworks. Dr. Wade is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry at Ohio State University.\n\n \n\nM etal-organic frameworks (MOFs) share some common features with metalloenzym es including reactive site isolation\, well-defined secondary structures\, and the ability to support entatic states poised for reaction with a substr ate. This seminar will describe our investigations into the design of bioin spired MOFs for trace CO2 capture and heterogeneous catalysis. Postsyntheti c modification reactions have been used to generate transition metal hydrox ide groups at the inorganic building units of benzotriazolate-based MOFs. T he resulting materials adsorb large amounts of CO2 via a M–OH + CO2 ⇌ M–OCO 2H chemisorption process reminiscent of CO2 fixation by α-carbonic anhydras es. In addition\, our recent efforts to immobilize well-defined transition metal catalysts in MOFs will be discussed. These materials show significant differences in catalytic activity and selectivity compared to homogeneous analogues. DTEND:20231206T220500Z DTSTAMP:20240705T225012Z DTSTART:20231206T211000Z LOCATION:Walter Hall\, 145 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Chemistry Colloquium: Bioinspired Reactivity in Metal-Organic Frame works\, Dec. 6\,2008:EventInstance_44933591541961 URL: vity_in_metal-organic_frameworks END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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