BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Movies & Screenings DESCRIPTION:Classics & Cocktails is moving up! The Athena Cinema team is th rilled to announce that its summer series is moving to the rooftop of the A thens City Parking Garage.\n\n \n\nNote: All previously scheduled dates wil l remain the same\; however\, the show times will be later. Athena will beg in seating at 8 p.m.\, and each movie will start at approximately 9 p.m. fo llowing sunset.\n\n \n\nAthena Cinema will be using DORA to continue to off er themed cocktails! You can pick up your DORA cup and cocktail curbside at the Athena on the way to the parking garage. They will also have runners s o you can order drinks and concessions that will be delivered to you on the rooftop!\n\n \n\nPlease consider purchasing tickets to these events. It is a great way to show your support for the Athena during our temporary closu re. It helps us keep the Athena Cinema staff employed and able to bring mov ies to Athens. \n\n \n\nAdditional details and movie dates/times are availa ble online:\n\n---------------- ------------------------\n\nDun dun dun dundun dun DUN dah…TEQUILA! Expect a tequila themed cocktail at this week’s event!\n\nContinuing our Summer Cl assics & Cocktails Series\, we have Tim Burton’s 1985 adventure-comedy\, PE E-WEE’S BIG ADVENTURE on June 9th at 7pm! Admission is $8. Drink prices var y.\n\nWhen eccentric man-child Pee-wee Herman gets his beloved bike stolen in broad daylight\, he sets out across the U.S. on the adventure of his lif e.\n\nAlong with the specialty cocktail\, we will have a full menu of wine\ , local beer and local ciders. DTEND:20230610T023000Z DTSTAMP:20250217T062454Z DTSTART:20230610T000000Z LOCATION:Athens Parking Garage Rooftop SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Classics & Cocktails: PEE-WEE’S BIG ADVENTURE\,2008:EventInstance_42783281185829 URL: re END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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