BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:The College of Health Sciences & Professions presents the accla imed Grover Lecture\, featuring speaker Dr. Matthew Desmond who will lectur e at 1 pm at Walter Hall and again at 5:30 pm at Stuart’s Opera House\, abo ut his research and book\, Poverty\, by America. A panel discussion will fo llow both lectures. \n\n \n\nMore about Matthew Desmond: Desmond is the Mau rice P. During Professor of Sociology and the founder and principal investi gator of the Eviction Lab at Princeton University. He is a former member o f the Harvard Society of Fellows\, coauthor of two books on race\, and the editor of a collection of studies on severe deprivation in America\, includ ing Poverty\, By America. He has written essays on educational inequality\, dangerous work\, political ideology\, race and social theory\, and the inn er-city housing market. His work has been supported by the Gates\, Horowitz \, Ford\, JBP\, MacArthur\, and National Science\, Russell Sage\, and W.T. Grant Foundations\, as well as the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. He is a Cont ributing Writer for The New York Times Magazine\, and his writing has appea red in The New York Times\, The Washington Post\, the New Yorker \, and The Chicago Tribune. DTEND:20250227T193000Z DTSTAMP:20241005T132037Z DTSTART:20250227T180000Z GEO:39.322732;-82.10287 LOCATION:Walter Hall SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:College of Health Sciences & Professions Grover Lecture\,2008:EventInstance_47497492806913 URL: grover-lecture END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:The College of Health Sciences & Professions presents the accla imed Grover Lecture\, featuring speaker Dr. Matthew Desmond who will lectur e at 1 pm at Walter Hall and again at 5:30 pm at Stuart’s Opera House\, abo ut his research and book\, Poverty\, by America. A panel discussion will fo llow both lectures. \n\n \n\nMore about Matthew Desmond: Desmond is the Mau rice P. During Professor of Sociology and the founder and principal investi gator of the Eviction Lab at Princeton University. He is a former member o f the Harvard Society of Fellows\, coauthor of two books on race\, and the editor of a collection of studies on severe deprivation in America\, includ ing Poverty\, By America. He has written essays on educational inequality\, dangerous work\, political ideology\, race and social theory\, and the inn er-city housing market. His work has been supported by the Gates\, Horowitz \, Ford\, JBP\, MacArthur\, and National Science\, Russell Sage\, and W.T. Grant Foundations\, as well as the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. He is a Cont ributing Writer for The New York Times Magazine\, and his writing has appea red in The New York Times\, The Washington Post\, the New Yorker \, and The Chicago Tribune. DTEND:20250227T233000Z DTSTAMP:20241005T132037Z DTSTART:20250227T220000Z GEO:39.322732;-82.10287 LOCATION:Walter Hall SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:College of Health Sciences & Professions Grover Lecture\,2008:EventInstance_47497492807938 URL: grover-lecture END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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