BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Welcome to the College of Arts and Sciences and Ohio University ! We are so glad you are here and ready to become a part of the Bobcat Fami ly.\n\n \n\nYour College Welcome-Academic Workshop will be held on Saturday \, Aug. 20\, from 1-3 p.m. at the location listed (by department) below.\n\ n \n\nYou will learn more about your major\, how to be successful in your c lasses\, and what your faculty will expect from you. If you are an Undecide d (deciding) student but have an interest in one of the majors listed below \, you are encouraged to attend that session to learn more about that disci pline\, or you may attend the Undecided workshop. I hope you have a wonder ful semester!\n\n \n\nDr. Randy Price\nAssistant Dean for Student Affairs\n \n \n\nBiological Sciences\n\nIrvine 199 and 194Contacts: Ann LaComb and Dr . Scott HooperChemistry & Biochemistry\n\nWalter 145Contact: Dr. Lauren McM illsClassics & Religious Studies\n\nEllis 236Contact: Dr. Brian CollinsEcon omics\n\nBentley Hall 124Contact: Dr. Julie PaxtonEnglish\n\nTupper 005Cont act: Dr. Beth QuitslundEnvironmental & Plant Biology\n\nPorter 104Contact: Dr. Harvey BallardEnvironmental Science & Sustainability\n\nPorter 106Conta ct: Dr. Nancy ManringGeography\n\nClippinger 119Contacts: Dr. Edna WanguiGe ology\n\nClippinger 194Contact: Dr. Greg SpringerHistory\n\nBentley Hall 1 10Contact: Dr. Jaclyn MaxwellLinguistics\n\nGordy 331Contact: Dr. Michelle O'MalleyMathematics\n\nPatio on the West side of Morton HallContact: Dr. Ma rtin MohlenkampModern Languages\n\nMeet outside of Gordy 113Contact: Nik Sa thePhilosophy\n\nEllis 114Contact: Dr. James PetrikPhysics & Astronomy\n\nC lippinger 259Contacts: Dr. Eric StinaffPolitical Science\n\nBentley Hall 13 2Contact: Dr. Barry TadlockPsychology\n\nWalter 135Contact: Dr. Susan Tice- AlickeSociology & Anthropology\n\nBentley Hall 223Contact: Dr. Cynthia Ande rsonUndecided (deciding) Arts & Sciences\n\nBentley Hall 140Contact: Adam B rownWomen's\, Gender & Sexuality Studies\n\nBentley Hall 129Contact: Dr. Ki mberly LittleMore about Ohio University welcome week. DTEND:20220820T190000Z DTSTAMP:20241005T173925Z DTSTART:20220820T170000Z LOCATION:Check this department list for building and room number. SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:College of Arts & Sciences Welcome Week Academic Workshops\, Aug. 2 0\,2008:EventInstance_40614156120445 URL: cademic_workshop END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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