BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations,Meetings & Conferences DESCRIPTION:Register for Event\n\nTEAMS Link for Event\n\nWhat is a Communi ty of Practice?\n\nCommunities of Practice (CoP) is a term used to describe a “group of people who share a concern\, a set of problems\, or a passion about a topic\, and who deepen their knowledge and expertise in this area b y interacting on an ongoing basis”. The CoP is formed to collaborate across disciplines about a shared topic to enrich professional knowledge and pers onal development. \n\nA CoP has the following three characteristics: \n\nDo main: the shared topic of interest\n\nCommunity: regular engagement\, activ ities\, and relationships and\;\n\nPractice: members contribute to a shared resource repository about the topic.\n\n \n\nPurpose\n\nThe Communities of Practice are established in CHSP to support interprofessional education\, collaboration\, and communication. Each CoP will identify the specific purp ose\, goals\, and outcomes for their domain. Each CoP will identify the app ropriate activities\, level of engagement\, resources\, and technological n eeds to support the CoP.\n\nFramework\n\nCoPs are designed using a framewor k that is centered around Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) competencies. The four core competency domains include values & ethics\, r oles & responsibilities\, communication\, and teams & teamwork (IPEC\, 2023 ). \n\n \n\n2024 Communities of Practice:\n\nPediatrics\n\nA series of work shops spanning the pediatric lifespan.\n\nSports & Human Performance\n\nThe CHSP Human Performance and Sports Science Initiative is committed to a com prehensive and integrated approach to sports science and human performance\ , leveraging education\, research\, service\, and innovation to drive excel lence in athletic performance and health outcomes across Ohio University an d Southeast Ohio.\n\nClimate & Health\n\nThe Climate and Health CoP will ex plore the connections between current and projected climate change impacts and health outcomes. We welcome participants from all disciplines to engage in meaningful conversation and activities that have the potential to enhan ce teaching\, research\, and practice DTEND:20241023T170000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T071114Z DTSTART:20241023T160000Z GEO:39.323846;-82.103261 LOCATION:Grover Center\, W115 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Community of Practice Event\,2008:EventInstance_47692581821606 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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