BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:The Contemporary History Institute hosts Dr. Ji Young Choi disc ussing “South Korea's Achievements and Challenges It Faces: A Historical Pe rspective” on Thursday April 3 at 4:30 p.m. in Bentley Hall 306. \n\n \n\nD r. Choi is associate professor of Politics and Government and affiliated pr ofessor of International Studies at Ohio Wesleyan University\, where he als o is Director of East Asian Studies. He specializes in international relati ons history and theories\, international political economy\, foreign policy \, and East Asian security and political economy. \n\n \n\nChoi completed h is Ph.D. at Purdue University\, where he taught introductory courses in Int ernational Relations and Comparative Politics as an independent instructor and won a Graduate Student Award for Outstanding Teaching in 2007. A native of South Korea\, Choi earned a B.A. in Philosophy at Yonsei University and his M.I.S. (Master of International Studies) with top honors at Sogang Uni versity\, both in Seoul\, Korea. Further\, he went on to earn his M.A. in P olitical Science at the University of Kansas\, where his M.A. thesis passed with honor. \n\n \n\nHis book\, The Politics of South Korea: A Comprehensi ve Introduction (Lynne Rienner Publishers\, 2025) an updated thematic and c omprehensive introduction to South Korea with insightful analyses of the c ountry from international and comparative perspectives. The book addresses the political and economic history of North Korea as well as inter-Korean r elations. It also includes a timely subject\, the rise of the culture indus try and the 4th industrial revolution\, and covers the new trend of the K-P op industry. \n\n \n\nThis event is free and open to the public and all are welcome to attend. DTEND:20250403T220000Z DTSTAMP:20250223T210940Z DTSTART:20250403T203000Z GEO:39.326372;-82.102202 LOCATION:Bentley Hall\, Room 306 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Contemporary History Institute | Dr. Ji Young Choi\,2008:EventInstance_48543195472247 URL: ung-choi END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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