BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:The Contemporary History Institute at Ohio University hosts Drs . Alex Lovelace and Steven Casey discussing "Media and World War II" on Sep t. 16 at noon via Teams.\n\nJoin on Teams.Lovelace earned a B.A. from Messi ah College in 2011\, an M.A. from George Washington University in 2013\, an d a Ph.D. in History and a Certificate in Contemporary History from Ohio Un iversity in 2020. His research interests focus on strategy\, command in war \, military-media relations\, and World War II. His first book\, The Media Offensive: How Real News\, Fake News\, and Public Opinion Shaped Allied Str ategy during World War II\, is scheduled for publication by the University Press of Kansas in the spring of 2022.\n\n \n\nCasey\, professor of interna tional history at the London School of Economics and Political Science sinc e 2001\, is a specialist in U.S. foreign policy. His book The War Beat\, Eu rope: The American Media at War against Nazi Germany (Oxford University Pre ss\, 2017) won the American Journalism Historians Association 2018 book of the year\, the panel judging it “a landmark work for scholars\, an engaging and compelling account of journalists dedicated to reporting the Allied ca mpaigns to dislodge the German forces from Europe.” The companion volume\, The War Beat\, Pacific: The American Media at War against Japan\, was also published by Oxford University Press in 2021.\n\n \n\nCasey studied for his undergraduate degree at the University of East Anglia before moving to Oxf ord where he completed an M.Phil and then D. Phil in International Relation s. Between 1998 and 2001\, he was a Junior Research Fellow in Politics at T rinity College\, Oxford. DTEND:20210916T170000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T104734Z DTSTART:20210916T160000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Contemporary History | Media and World War II\, Sept. 16\,2008:EventInstance_37698396945687 URL: r_ii_sept_16 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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