BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Ohio University's Contemporary History Institute presents Dr. R obyn C. Spencer discussing "From the Black Panther Party to Black Lives Mat ter: Tracing the Contours of Social Protest in America" on Thursday\, Oct. 22\, at 7 p.m.\n\nJoin on Teams.Spencer is a historian whose research cente rs on social protest after World War II\, urban and working-class radicalis m\, and gender. She is an Associate Professor of History at Lehman College\ , City University of New York. In 2018-2019\, she was Visiting Endowed Chai r in Women and Gender Studies and Visiting Associate Professor of History a t Brooklyn College. While there she created “Challenging Erasures: Reinscri bing Black women’s history in New York\,” an interdisciplinary series that engages the campus in the collective examination of race and gender as it i ntersects around issues of gentrification and displacement\; police violenc e and historical memory\; radical grassroots organizing\; and artistic prod uction.\n\nHer first book The Revolution Has Come: Black Power\, Gender\, a nd the Black Panther Party in Oakland\, analyzes the organizational evoluti on of the Black Panther Party and was published by Duke University Press in December 2016.\n\nIn 2016-17 she received a Mellon fellowship at Yale Univ ersity to work on her second book project\, To Build the World Anew: Black Liberation Politics and the Movement Against the Vietnam War. This project examines how working class African Americans’ anti-imperialist consciousnes s in the 1950s-1970s shaped their engagement with the movement against the Vietnam War. In 2020-2021\, work on this project was supported by an ACLS F rederick Burkhardt Residential Fellowship for Recently Tenured Scholars at the Institute for Advanced Study\, School of Social Science.\n\nSpencer has contributed essays connecting history to current events to The Washington Post\, Boston Review\, Black Youth Project blog\, Vibe Magazine\, Colorline s\, Truthout\, Ms. Magazine blog\, Zinn Education Project blog\, Duke Unive rsity Press blog and Black Perspectives\, the blog of the African American Intellectual History Society. She appeared on “Democracy Now” on March 1\, 2018\, after one of her self-published blog posts\, “Black Feminist Meditat ions on the Women of Wakanda\,” went viral.\n\nSpencer had been invited to deliver the keynote address to the Ohio University History Graduate Student Association conference in March 2020\, which had to be canceled due to Cov id-19.\n\nThis event is free and open to the public. All interested student s\, faculty and staff are invited to attend. DTEND:20201023T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T110259Z DTSTART:20201022T230000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Contemporary History | From the Black Panther Party to Black Lives Matter: Tracing the Contours of Social Protest in America\, Oct. 22\,2008:EventInstance_34890914708423 URL: 22 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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