BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Coping Café is a space where any student can drop-in to learn a coping strategy\, connect with peers\, and have experience practicing copi ng strategies for a wide range of concerns. There is no limit for how often you can use this service! You don’t have to be a CPS client in order atten d coping café. This service does not replace individual or group mental hea lth treatment.\n\nWednesday's Coping Café is facilitated by Ibrahim and the topic is Managing Social Anxiety & Developing Connection!\n\nPlease note\, there is no Coping Café during Spring Break or Finals Week! DTEND:20230215T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241127T000010Z DTSTART:20230215T200000Z GEO:39.326188;-82.101779 LOCATION:Lindley Hall\, 052 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Coping Café Wednesdays - Managing Social Anxiety & Developing Conne ction\,2008:EventInstance_42360148672828 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Coping Café is a space where any student can drop-in to learn a coping strategy\, connect with peers\, and have experience practicing copi ng strategies for a wide range of concerns. There is no limit for how often you can use this service! You don’t have to be a CPS client in order atten d coping café. This service does not replace individual or group mental hea lth treatment.\n\nWednesday's Coping Café is facilitated by Ibrahim and the topic is Managing Social Anxiety & Developing Connection!\n\nPlease note\, there is no Coping Café during Spring Break or Finals Week! DTEND:20230222T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241127T000010Z DTSTART:20230222T200000Z GEO:39.326188;-82.101779 LOCATION:Lindley Hall\, 052 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Coping Café Wednesdays - Managing Social Anxiety & Developing Conne ction\,2008:EventInstance_42360148673853 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Coping Café is a space where any student can drop-in to learn a coping strategy\, connect with peers\, and have experience practicing copi ng strategies for a wide range of concerns. There is no limit for how often you can use this service! You don’t have to be a CPS client in order atten d coping café. This service does not replace individual or group mental hea lth treatment.\n\nWednesday's Coping Café is facilitated by Ibrahim and the topic is Managing Social Anxiety & Developing Connection!\n\nPlease note\, there is no Coping Café during Spring Break or Finals Week! DTEND:20230301T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241127T000010Z DTSTART:20230301T200000Z GEO:39.326188;-82.101779 LOCATION:Lindley Hall\, 052 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Coping Café Wednesdays - Managing Social Anxiety & Developing Conne ction\,2008:EventInstance_42360148675902 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Coping Café is a space where any student can drop-in to learn a coping strategy\, connect with peers\, and have experience practicing copi ng strategies for a wide range of concerns. There is no limit for how often you can use this service! You don’t have to be a CPS client in order atten d coping café. This service does not replace individual or group mental hea lth treatment.\n\nWednesday's Coping Café is facilitated by Ibrahim and the topic is Managing Social Anxiety & Developing Connection!\n\nPlease note\, there is no Coping Café during Spring Break or Finals Week! DTEND:20230308T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241127T000010Z DTSTART:20230308T200000Z GEO:39.326188;-82.101779 LOCATION:Lindley Hall\, 052 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Coping Café Wednesdays - Managing Social Anxiety & Developing Conne ction\,2008:EventInstance_42360148676927 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Coping Café is a space where any student can drop-in to learn a coping strategy\, connect with peers\, and have experience practicing copi ng strategies for a wide range of concerns. There is no limit for how often you can use this service! You don’t have to be a CPS client in order atten d coping café. This service does not replace individual or group mental hea lth treatment.\n\nWednesday's Coping Café is facilitated by Ibrahim and the topic is Managing Social Anxiety & Developing Connection!\n\nPlease note\, there is no Coping Café during Spring Break or Finals Week! DTEND:20230322T200000Z DTSTAMP:20241127T000010Z DTSTART:20230322T190000Z GEO:39.326188;-82.101779 LOCATION:Lindley Hall\, 052 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Coping Café Wednesdays - Managing Social Anxiety & Developing Conne ction\,2008:EventInstance_42360148680001 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Coping Café is a space where any student can drop-in to learn a coping strategy\, connect with peers\, and have experience practicing copi ng strategies for a wide range of concerns. There is no limit for how often you can use this service! You don’t have to be a CPS client in order atten d coping café. This service does not replace individual or group mental hea lth treatment.\n\nWednesday's Coping Café is facilitated by Ibrahim and the topic is Managing Social Anxiety & Developing Connection!\n\nPlease note\, there is no Coping Café during Spring Break or Finals Week! DTEND:20230329T200000Z DTSTAMP:20241127T000010Z DTSTART:20230329T190000Z GEO:39.326188;-82.101779 LOCATION:Lindley Hall\, 052 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Coping Café Wednesdays - Managing Social Anxiety & Developing Conne ction\,2008:EventInstance_42360148681026 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Coping Café is a space where any student can drop-in to learn a coping strategy\, connect with peers\, and have experience practicing copi ng strategies for a wide range of concerns. There is no limit for how often you can use this service! You don’t have to be a CPS client in order atten d coping café. This service does not replace individual or group mental hea lth treatment.\n\nWednesday's Coping Café is facilitated by Ibrahim and the topic is Managing Social Anxiety & Developing Connection!\n\nPlease note\, there is no Coping Café during Spring Break or Finals Week! DTEND:20230405T200000Z DTSTAMP:20241127T000010Z DTSTART:20230405T190000Z GEO:39.326188;-82.101779 LOCATION:Lindley Hall\, 052 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Coping Café Wednesdays - Managing Social Anxiety & Developing Conne ction\,2008:EventInstance_42360148682051 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Coping Café is a space where any student can drop-in to learn a coping strategy\, connect with peers\, and have experience practicing copi ng strategies for a wide range of concerns. There is no limit for how often you can use this service! You don’t have to be a CPS client in order atten d coping café. This service does not replace individual or group mental hea lth treatment.\n\nWednesday's Coping Café is facilitated by Ibrahim and the topic is Managing Social Anxiety & Developing Connection!\n\nPlease note\, there is no Coping Café during Spring Break or Finals Week! DTEND:20230412T200000Z DTSTAMP:20241127T000010Z DTSTART:20230412T190000Z GEO:39.326188;-82.101779 LOCATION:Lindley Hall\, 052 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Coping Café Wednesdays - Managing Social Anxiety & Developing Conne ction\,2008:EventInstance_42360148684100 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Coping Café is a space where any student can drop-in to learn a coping strategy\, connect with peers\, and have experience practicing copi ng strategies for a wide range of concerns. There is no limit for how often you can use this service! You don’t have to be a CPS client in order atten d coping café. This service does not replace individual or group mental hea lth treatment.\n\nWednesday's Coping Café is facilitated by Ibrahim and the topic is Managing Social Anxiety & Developing Connection!\n\nPlease note\, there is no Coping Café during Spring Break or Finals Week! DTEND:20230419T200000Z DTSTAMP:20241127T000010Z DTSTART:20230419T190000Z GEO:39.326188;-82.101779 LOCATION:Lindley Hall\, 052 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Coping Café Wednesdays - Managing Social Anxiety & Developing Conne ction\,2008:EventInstance_42360148685125 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Coping Café is a space where any student can drop-in to learn a coping strategy\, connect with peers\, and have experience practicing copi ng strategies for a wide range of concerns. There is no limit for how often you can use this service! You don’t have to be a CPS client in order atten d coping café. This service does not replace individual or group mental hea lth treatment.\n\nWednesday's Coping Café is facilitated by Ibrahim and the topic is Managing Social Anxiety & Developing Connection!\n\nPlease note\, there is no Coping Café during Spring Break or Finals Week! DTEND:20230426T200000Z DTSTAMP:20241127T000010Z DTSTART:20230426T190000Z GEO:39.326188;-82.101779 LOCATION:Lindley Hall\, 052 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Coping Café Wednesdays - Managing Social Anxiety & Developing Conne ction\,2008:EventInstance_42360148686150 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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