BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Coping Clinic Tuesday\n\nCounseling & Psychological Services is an online drop-in workshop that focuses on developing and practicing a var iety of coping skills that may be helpful to you. This is a flexible and ac cessible resource for you to utilize throughout the semester\, between coun seling sessions\, or as you wait to get connected to services. \n\nCoping C linic is psychoeducational and supportive in nature\, where you can share y our experiences with peers\, without a semester-long commitment. Coping Cli nic does not replace individual/group mental health treatment. Students do not have to be a client with CPS or currently located in the state of Ohio to engage in Coping Clinic workshops. DTEND:20210914T180000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T085246Z DTSTART:20210914T170000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Coping Clinic Tuesdays\,2008:EventInstance_37580610007235 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Coping Clinic Tuesday\n\nCounseling & Psychological Services is an online drop-in workshop that focuses on developing and practicing a var iety of coping skills that may be helpful to you. This is a flexible and ac cessible resource for you to utilize throughout the semester\, between coun seling sessions\, or as you wait to get connected to services. \n\nCoping C linic is psychoeducational and supportive in nature\, where you can share y our experiences with peers\, without a semester-long commitment. Coping Cli nic does not replace individual/group mental health treatment. Students do not have to be a client with CPS or currently located in the state of Ohio to engage in Coping Clinic workshops. DTEND:20210921T180000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T085246Z DTSTART:20210921T170000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Coping Clinic Tuesdays\,2008:EventInstance_37580610009284 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Coping Clinic Tuesday\n\nCounseling & Psychological Services is an online drop-in workshop that focuses on developing and practicing a var iety of coping skills that may be helpful to you. This is a flexible and ac cessible resource for you to utilize throughout the semester\, between coun seling sessions\, or as you wait to get connected to services. \n\nCoping C linic is psychoeducational and supportive in nature\, where you can share y our experiences with peers\, without a semester-long commitment. Coping Cli nic does not replace individual/group mental health treatment. Students do not have to be a client with CPS or currently located in the state of Ohio to engage in Coping Clinic workshops. DTEND:20210928T180000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T085246Z DTSTART:20210928T170000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Coping Clinic Tuesdays\,2008:EventInstance_37580610010309 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Coping Clinic Tuesday\n\nCounseling & Psychological Services is an online drop-in workshop that focuses on developing and practicing a var iety of coping skills that may be helpful to you. This is a flexible and ac cessible resource for you to utilize throughout the semester\, between coun seling sessions\, or as you wait to get connected to services. \n\nCoping C linic is psychoeducational and supportive in nature\, where you can share y our experiences with peers\, without a semester-long commitment. Coping Cli nic does not replace individual/group mental health treatment. Students do not have to be a client with CPS or currently located in the state of Ohio to engage in Coping Clinic workshops. DTEND:20211005T180000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T085246Z DTSTART:20211005T170000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Coping Clinic Tuesdays\,2008:EventInstance_37580610012358 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Coping Clinic Tuesday\n\nCounseling & Psychological Services is an online drop-in workshop that focuses on developing and practicing a var iety of coping skills that may be helpful to you. This is a flexible and ac cessible resource for you to utilize throughout the semester\, between coun seling sessions\, or as you wait to get connected to services. \n\nCoping C linic is psychoeducational and supportive in nature\, where you can share y our experiences with peers\, without a semester-long commitment. Coping Cli nic does not replace individual/group mental health treatment. Students do not have to be a client with CPS or currently located in the state of Ohio to engage in Coping Clinic workshops. DTEND:20211012T180000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T085246Z DTSTART:20211012T170000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Coping Clinic Tuesdays\,2008:EventInstance_37580610013383 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Coping Clinic Tuesday\n\nCounseling & Psychological Services is an online drop-in workshop that focuses on developing and practicing a var iety of coping skills that may be helpful to you. This is a flexible and ac cessible resource for you to utilize throughout the semester\, between coun seling sessions\, or as you wait to get connected to services. \n\nCoping C linic is psychoeducational and supportive in nature\, where you can share y our experiences with peers\, without a semester-long commitment. Coping Cli nic does not replace individual/group mental health treatment. Students do not have to be a client with CPS or currently located in the state of Ohio to engage in Coping Clinic workshops. DTEND:20211019T180000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T085246Z DTSTART:20211019T170000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Coping Clinic Tuesdays\,2008:EventInstance_37580610014408 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Coping Clinic Tuesday\n\nCounseling & Psychological Services is an online drop-in workshop that focuses on developing and practicing a var iety of coping skills that may be helpful to you. This is a flexible and ac cessible resource for you to utilize throughout the semester\, between coun seling sessions\, or as you wait to get connected to services. \n\nCoping C linic is psychoeducational and supportive in nature\, where you can share y our experiences with peers\, without a semester-long commitment. Coping Cli nic does not replace individual/group mental health treatment. Students do not have to be a client with CPS or currently located in the state of Ohio to engage in Coping Clinic workshops. DTEND:20211026T180000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T085246Z DTSTART:20211026T170000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Coping Clinic Tuesdays\,2008:EventInstance_37580610016457 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Coping Clinic Tuesday\n\nCounseling & Psychological Services is an online drop-in workshop that focuses on developing and practicing a var iety of coping skills that may be helpful to you. This is a flexible and ac cessible resource for you to utilize throughout the semester\, between coun seling sessions\, or as you wait to get connected to services. \n\nCoping C linic is psychoeducational and supportive in nature\, where you can share y our experiences with peers\, without a semester-long commitment. Coping Cli nic does not replace individual/group mental health treatment. Students do not have to be a client with CPS or currently located in the state of Ohio to engage in Coping Clinic workshops. DTEND:20211102T180000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T085246Z DTSTART:20211102T170000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Coping Clinic Tuesdays\,2008:EventInstance_37580610017482 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Coping Clinic Tuesday\n\nCounseling & Psychological Services is an online drop-in workshop that focuses on developing and practicing a var iety of coping skills that may be helpful to you. This is a flexible and ac cessible resource for you to utilize throughout the semester\, between coun seling sessions\, or as you wait to get connected to services. \n\nCoping C linic is psychoeducational and supportive in nature\, where you can share y our experiences with peers\, without a semester-long commitment. Coping Cli nic does not replace individual/group mental health treatment. Students do not have to be a client with CPS or currently located in the state of Ohio to engage in Coping Clinic workshops. DTEND:20211109T190000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T085246Z DTSTART:20211109T180000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Coping Clinic Tuesdays\,2008:EventInstance_37580610018507 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Coping Clinic Tuesday\n\nCounseling & Psychological Services is an online drop-in workshop that focuses on developing and practicing a var iety of coping skills that may be helpful to you. This is a flexible and ac cessible resource for you to utilize throughout the semester\, between coun seling sessions\, or as you wait to get connected to services. \n\nCoping C linic is psychoeducational and supportive in nature\, where you can share y our experiences with peers\, without a semester-long commitment. Coping Cli nic does not replace individual/group mental health treatment. Students do not have to be a client with CPS or currently located in the state of Ohio to engage in Coping Clinic workshops. DTEND:20211116T190000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T085246Z DTSTART:20211116T180000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Coping Clinic Tuesdays\,2008:EventInstance_37580610019532 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Coping Clinic Tuesday\n\nCounseling & Psychological Services is an online drop-in workshop that focuses on developing and practicing a var iety of coping skills that may be helpful to you. This is a flexible and ac cessible resource for you to utilize throughout the semester\, between coun seling sessions\, or as you wait to get connected to services. \n\nCoping C linic is psychoeducational and supportive in nature\, where you can share y our experiences with peers\, without a semester-long commitment. Coping Cli nic does not replace individual/group mental health treatment. Students do not have to be a client with CPS or currently located in the state of Ohio to engage in Coping Clinic workshops. DTEND:20211123T190000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T085246Z DTSTART:20211123T180000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Coping Clinic Tuesdays\,2008:EventInstance_37580610020557 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Coping Clinic Tuesday\n\nCounseling & Psychological Services is an online drop-in workshop that focuses on developing and practicing a var iety of coping skills that may be helpful to you. This is a flexible and ac cessible resource for you to utilize throughout the semester\, between coun seling sessions\, or as you wait to get connected to services. \n\nCoping C linic is psychoeducational and supportive in nature\, where you can share y our experiences with peers\, without a semester-long commitment. Coping Cli nic does not replace individual/group mental health treatment. Students do not have to be a client with CPS or currently located in the state of Ohio to engage in Coping Clinic workshops. DTEND:20211130T190000Z DTSTAMP:20241123T085246Z DTSTART:20211130T180000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Coping Clinic Tuesdays\,2008:EventInstance_37580610022606 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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