BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Academic Calendar DESCRIPTION:Last day to apply for or change a grading option for fall semes ter class. Credit to audit\, audit to credit\, pass/fail to regular grade o ption\, or regular grade option to pass/fail.\n\nAUDITING A CLASS:\n\nYou m ay register to audit classes\, which allows you to preview or review course s without receiving a grade or semester hours. Classes taken for audit coun t in calculating tuition\, but they do not carry credit or count toward fin ancial aid eligibility. Audited courses will appear on your official transc ript but will not affect your GPA or semester hours earned. Audit courses w ill not count toward any graduation requirements.\n\nDo not confuse auditin g a class with taking a class under the pass/fail option.\n\nYour instructo r may set up specific requirements for auditing the class\, and if you do n ot meet the requirements\, you may be removed from the class at your instru ctor's discretion with a grade of WP or WF. Be sure to discuss your auditin g status with your instructor at the first class meeting.\n\nA student inte rested in taking a class under the audit grading option\, should register f or the class\, then contact the student services office in their college or regional campus student services office (by the Friday of the second week of the semester) to complete an audit application. A regular grade course m ay NOT be changed to audit option and audit course may NOT be changed to re gular grade option after the second Friday of the semester.\n\nPASS/FAIL GR ADING OPTION: A student interested in taking a class under the pass/fail gr ading option\, should register for the class\, then contact the student ser vices office in their college or regional campus student services office (b y the Friday of the second week of the semester) to complete pass/fail appl ication. A pass/fail request by a regional campus student is reviewed by th e appropriate college's student services office on the Athens campus and ma y be denied if an inappropriate choice has been made. A regular grade cours e may NOT be changed to pass/fail option and pass/fail course may NOT be ch anged to regular grade option after the second Friday of the semester.\n\nS tudents may complete no more than 12 semester hours under the pass/fail opt ion. No course taken pass/fail may be used to fulfill any graduation requir ement (college\, school\, or department) other than total hours. To be elig ible for the pass/fail option the student must have earned a GPA of 2.5 or better for their last semester of full-time enrollment or have an accumulat ive GPA of 2.0 or better. First semester freshmen are not subject to the GP A requirements. A student may take only one course per semester or summer s ession pass/fail.\n\nNote: Graduate-level courses (5000 and higher) may not be taken under the pass/fail option. Do not confuse the pass/fail option w ith auditing a class.\n\ tions DTSTAMP:20240919T222441Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240906 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Last day to apply for or change a grading option for fall semester class\,2008:EventInstance_45880573133814 URL: -a-grading-option-for-fall-semester-class END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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