CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations
DESCRIPTION:OHIO Chillicothe Reaching Out Series:\nBreaking Mental Stigmas
& Building Support (Session 3 of 3)\n\n \n\nCrushing Imposter Syndrome: Fac
ing Your Failure\n\nGuest Speaker: MaryKathyrine Tran\n\nDate: Thursday\, M
arch 3\, 2022\nTime: 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.\nPlace: Auditorium\, Bennett H
all\nCost: FREE - Open to All\n\n \n\nAbout Crushing Imposter Syndrome:\n\n
This session will focuse on both identifying imposter syndrome and providin
g tips and tricks for how to navigate imposter syndrome successfully. While
imposter syndrome impacts all genders within higher education (apparently
most of us feel like imposters!)\, this workshop will evaluate the syndrome
from a gendered lens\, highlighting the ways in which girls are socialized
to perfection. Inspired by both Valerie Young's iconic text Secret Thought
s of Successful Women and Reshme Saujani's incisive text Brave\, Not Perfec
t\, we will confront our imposter syndrome head-on with tangible tools to r
emind us of our value and worth.\n\n \n\nAbout MaryKathyrine Tran:\n\n \n\n
MaryKathyrine Tran is the Interim Director of the Ohio University Women’s C
enter and has a MS in Educational Leadership and Policy with certificates i
n Social Justice Leadership and Post-secondary\, Technical\, and Adult Educ
ation from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. She oversees cohort program
s\, such as the Women’s Mentoring Program and the ALAANA+ Women’s Leadershi
p Cohort\, as well as large-scale events like Take Back the Night. In conju
nction with her duties at the Women’s Center\, she teaches courses on mento
ring and diversity studies at OHIO.\n\n \n\nIn addition to work at OHIO\, s
he serves as Co-Chair of the Women’s Centers Committee of Strategic Ohio Co
uncil for Higher Education (SOCHE). She was recently awarded the Excellence
in Higher Education Leadership Award from American Council on Education (A
CE) Women’s Network Ohio\, the Network’s highest honor\, which recognizes a
n outstanding woman leader who has made significant contributions to higher
education in Ohio through the Network’s highest honor. MaryKathyrine is pa
ssionate about helping Women’s Center constituents make resource and social
connections while identifying and working towards their personal\, profess
ional\, and leadership goals with confidence.\n\n \n\nPresented by: Ohio Un
iversity Women’s Center
LOCATION:Ohio University Chillicothe\, Bennett Hall - Auditorium
SUMMARY:Crushing Imposter Syndrome: Reaching Out Event\,2008:EventInstance_39199992405523