BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Meetings & Conferences,Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:šŸ½ļø Join the Culinary Services Development Committee (CSDC)! šŸ½ļø\ n\n \n\nThe Culinary Services Development Committee (CSDC) serves as a brid ge between Ohio University Culinary Services and students\, creating a spac e for ideas that help us better serve YOU!\n\n \n\nThis student-led group m eets monthly to discuss everything from food quality to taste-testing\, and your voice matters. Whether or not you live on campus or have a Meal Plan\ , we value a diverse range of opinions from all students.\n\n \n\nPast cont ributions from the CSDC have led to:\nāœ… Improvements in Grab 'N Go stations \nāœ… Menu updates and better food variety\nāœ… Designing the layout and menu f or places like Cafe BiblioTech\, Baker University Center\, Nelson Court\, a nd Shively Court\n\n \n\nšŸ“… Upcoming Meetings:\n\nJanuary 27 at Nelson Court February 24 at ARC CafeMarch 24 at West 82\nšŸ•“ Meetings are 4–5 PMJoin us\, share your thoughts\, and be a part of making a difference! DTEND:20250127T220000Z DTSTAMP:20250222T171148Z DTSTART:20250127T210000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Culinary Services Development Committee\,2008:EventInstance_48537561394490 URL: -57 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Meetings & Conferences,Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:šŸ½ļø Join the Culinary Services Development Committee (CSDC)! šŸ½ļø\ n\n \n\nThe Culinary Services Development Committee (CSDC) serves as a brid ge between Ohio University Culinary Services and students\, creating a spac e for ideas that help us better serve YOU!\n\n \n\nThis student-led group m eets monthly to discuss everything from food quality to taste-testing\, and your voice matters. Whether or not you live on campus or have a Meal Plan\ , we value a diverse range of opinions from all students.\n\n \n\nPast cont ributions from the CSDC have led to:\nāœ… Improvements in Grab 'N Go stations \nāœ… Menu updates and better food variety\nāœ… Designing the layout and menu f or places like Cafe BiblioTech\, Baker University Center\, Nelson Court\, a nd Shively Court\n\n \n\nšŸ“… Upcoming Meetings:\n\nJanuary 27 at Nelson Court February 24 at ARC CafeMarch 24 at West 82\nšŸ•“ Meetings are 4–5 PMJoin us\, share your thoughts\, and be a part of making a difference! DTEND:20250224T220000Z DTSTAMP:20250222T171148Z DTSTART:20250224T210000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Culinary Services Development Committee\,2008:EventInstance_48537561395515 URL: -57 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Meetings & Conferences,Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:šŸ½ļø Join the Culinary Services Development Committee (CSDC)! šŸ½ļø\ n\n \n\nThe Culinary Services Development Committee (CSDC) serves as a brid ge between Ohio University Culinary Services and students\, creating a spac e for ideas that help us better serve YOU!\n\n \n\nThis student-led group m eets monthly to discuss everything from food quality to taste-testing\, and your voice matters. Whether or not you live on campus or have a Meal Plan\ , we value a diverse range of opinions from all students.\n\n \n\nPast cont ributions from the CSDC have led to:\nāœ… Improvements in Grab 'N Go stations \nāœ… Menu updates and better food variety\nāœ… Designing the layout and menu f or places like Cafe BiblioTech\, Baker University Center\, Nelson Court\, a nd Shively Court\n\n \n\nšŸ“… Upcoming Meetings:\n\nJanuary 27 at Nelson Court February 24 at ARC CafeMarch 24 at West 82\nšŸ•“ Meetings are 4–5 PMJoin us\, share your thoughts\, and be a part of making a difference! DTEND:20250324T210000Z DTSTAMP:20250222T171148Z DTSTART:20250324T200000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Culinary Services Development Committee\,2008:EventInstance_48537561398588 URL: -57 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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