BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Academic Calendar,Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Description: The purpose of this learning session is to provide OHIO faculty and staff with the tools and techniques to document teaching excellence. Teaching excellence at OHIO is described using six descriptors (well-designed\, well-delivered\, inclusive\, learner-focused\, reflective\ , and evolving) and eight criteria (preparation\, engagement\, inclusion\, subject expertise\, pedagogical competence\, outcomes\, improvement\, and a daptability/innovation). Per the Ohio University Faculty Handbook (IV.A.8)\ , faculty are expected to provide evidence of their teaching effectiveness using one or more of the teaching excellence criteria and multiple sources of evidence.\n\nLearning Outcomes: After the learning session\, participant s will be able to:\n\nRecognize the six descriptors and eight criteria of T eaching Excellence at OHIO.Identify possible sources of evidence.Map potent ial sources of evidence to one or more of the eight criteria.Create an indi vidual plan to systematically document and report evidence of teaching effe ctiveness.Presenter: Katie Hartman\, Ohio University Vice Provost for Facul ty Development\n\nThis event helps instructors address the Improvement comp onent of OHIO's Teaching Excellence Framework. DTEND:20240924T142500Z DTSTAMP:20240920T025852Z DTSTART:20240924T133000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Documenting Teaching Excellence @OHIO\,2008:EventInstance_46941862717623 URL: 41 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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