BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Fundraisers DESCRIPTION:Please join the Health\, Wellness & Safety Committee at #OHIOCh illicothein the collection of canned food and non-perishable items to help prevent hunger this holiday season. This drive by food collection is open t o the public and items can be placed in the barrel on the front porch of Be nnett Hall from 8 am to 5 pm weekdays or by appointment via .#BeSafeBobcats #CommunityEngagement #HilltopperResourceCenter DTEND:20201119T050000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T203526Z DTSTART:20201118T130000Z GEO:42.369975;-72.534184 LOCATION:Bennett Hall\, Front Porch SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Drive By Food Collection\,2008:EventInstance_35166112786467 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Fundraisers DESCRIPTION:Please join the Health\, Wellness & Safety Committee at #OHIOCh illicothein the collection of canned food and non-perishable items to help prevent hunger this holiday season. This drive by food collection is open t o the public and items can be placed in the barrel on the front porch of Be nnett Hall from 8 am to 5 pm weekdays or by appointment via .#BeSafeBobcats #CommunityEngagement #HilltopperResourceCenter DTEND:20201120T050000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T203526Z DTSTART:20201119T130000Z GEO:42.369975;-72.534184 LOCATION:Bennett Hall\, Front Porch SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Drive By Food Collection\,2008:EventInstance_35166112787492 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Fundraisers DESCRIPTION:Please join the Health\, Wellness & Safety Committee at #OHIOCh illicothein the collection of canned food and non-perishable items to help prevent hunger this holiday season. This drive by food collection is open t o the public and items can be placed in the barrel on the front porch of Be nnett Hall from 8 am to 5 pm weekdays or by appointment via .#BeSafeBobcats #CommunityEngagement #HilltopperResourceCenter DTEND:20201121T050000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T203526Z DTSTART:20201120T130000Z GEO:42.369975;-72.534184 LOCATION:Bennett Hall\, Front Porch SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Drive By Food Collection\,2008:EventInstance_35166112788517 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Fundraisers DESCRIPTION:Please join the Health\, Wellness & Safety Committee at #OHIOCh illicothein the collection of canned food and non-perishable items to help prevent hunger this holiday season. This drive by food collection is open t o the public and items can be placed in the barrel on the front porch of Be nnett Hall from 8 am to 5 pm weekdays or by appointment via .#BeSafeBobcats #CommunityEngagement #HilltopperResourceCenter DTEND:20201124T050000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T203526Z DTSTART:20201123T130000Z GEO:42.369975;-72.534184 LOCATION:Bennett Hall\, Front Porch SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Drive By Food Collection\,2008:EventInstance_35166112789542 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Fundraisers DESCRIPTION:Please join the Health\, Wellness & Safety Committee at #OHIOCh illicothein the collection of canned food and non-perishable items to help prevent hunger this holiday season. This drive by food collection is open t o the public and items can be placed in the barrel on the front porch of Be nnett Hall from 8 am to 5 pm weekdays or by appointment via .#BeSafeBobcats #CommunityEngagement #HilltopperResourceCenter DTEND:20201125T050000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T203526Z DTSTART:20201124T130000Z GEO:42.369975;-72.534184 LOCATION:Bennett Hall\, Front Porch SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Drive By Food Collection\,2008:EventInstance_35166112790567 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Fundraisers DESCRIPTION:Please join the Health\, Wellness & Safety Committee at #OHIOCh illicothein the collection of canned food and non-perishable items to help prevent hunger this holiday season. This drive by food collection is open t o the public and items can be placed in the barrel on the front porch of Be nnett Hall from 8 am to 5 pm weekdays or by appointment via .#BeSafeBobcats #CommunityEngagement #HilltopperResourceCenter DTEND:20201126T050000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T203526Z DTSTART:20201125T130000Z GEO:42.369975;-72.534184 LOCATION:Bennett Hall\, Front Porch SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Drive By Food Collection\,2008:EventInstance_35166112791592 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Fundraisers DESCRIPTION:Please join the Health\, Wellness & Safety Committee at #OHIOCh illicothein the collection of canned food and non-perishable items to help prevent hunger this holiday season. This drive by food collection is open t o the public and items can be placed in the barrel on the front porch of Be nnett Hall from 8 am to 5 pm weekdays or by appointment via .#BeSafeBobcats #CommunityEngagement #HilltopperResourceCenter DTEND:20201127T050000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T203526Z DTSTART:20201126T130000Z GEO:42.369975;-72.534184 LOCATION:Bennett Hall\, Front Porch SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Drive By Food Collection\,2008:EventInstance_35166112792617 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Fundraisers DESCRIPTION:Please join the Health\, Wellness & Safety Committee at #OHIOCh illicothein the collection of canned food and non-perishable items to help prevent hunger this holiday season. This drive by food collection is open t o the public and items can be placed in the barrel on the front porch of Be nnett Hall from 8 am to 5 pm weekdays or by appointment via .#BeSafeBobcats #CommunityEngagement #HilltopperResourceCenter DTEND:20201128T050000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T203526Z DTSTART:20201127T130000Z GEO:42.369975;-72.534184 LOCATION:Bennett Hall\, Front Porch SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Drive By Food Collection\,2008:EventInstance_35166112793642 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Fundraisers DESCRIPTION:Please join the Health\, Wellness & Safety Committee at #OHIOCh illicothein the collection of canned food and non-perishable items to help prevent hunger this holiday season. This drive by food collection is open t o the public and items can be placed in the barrel on the front porch of Be nnett Hall from 8 am to 5 pm weekdays or by appointment via .#BeSafeBobcats #CommunityEngagement #HilltopperResourceCenter DTEND:20201201T050000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T203526Z DTSTART:20201130T130000Z GEO:42.369975;-72.534184 LOCATION:Bennett Hall\, Front Porch SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Drive By Food Collection\,2008:EventInstance_35166112795691 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Fundraisers DESCRIPTION:Please join the Health\, Wellness & Safety Committee at #OHIOCh illicothein the collection of canned food and non-perishable items to help prevent hunger this holiday season. This drive by food collection is open t o the public and items can be placed in the barrel on the front porch of Be nnett Hall from 8 am to 5 pm weekdays or by appointment via .#BeSafeBobcats #CommunityEngagement #HilltopperResourceCenter DTEND:20201202T050000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T203526Z DTSTART:20201201T130000Z GEO:42.369975;-72.534184 LOCATION:Bennett Hall\, Front Porch SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Drive By Food Collection\,2008:EventInstance_35166112796716 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Fundraisers DESCRIPTION:Please join the Health\, Wellness & Safety Committee at #OHIOCh illicothein the collection of canned food and non-perishable items to help prevent hunger this holiday season. This drive by food collection is open t o the public and items can be placed in the barrel on the front porch of Be nnett Hall from 8 am to 5 pm weekdays or by appointment via .#BeSafeBobcats #CommunityEngagement #HilltopperResourceCenter DTEND:20201203T050000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T203526Z DTSTART:20201202T130000Z GEO:42.369975;-72.534184 LOCATION:Bennett Hall\, Front Porch SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Drive By Food Collection\,2008:EventInstance_35166112797741 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Fundraisers DESCRIPTION:Please join the Health\, Wellness & Safety Committee at #OHIOCh illicothein the collection of canned food and non-perishable items to help prevent hunger this holiday season. This drive by food collection is open t o the public and items can be placed in the barrel on the front porch of Be nnett Hall from 8 am to 5 pm weekdays or by appointment via .#BeSafeBobcats #CommunityEngagement #HilltopperResourceCenter DTEND:20201204T050000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T203526Z DTSTART:20201203T130000Z GEO:42.369975;-72.534184 LOCATION:Bennett Hall\, Front Porch SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Drive By Food Collection\,2008:EventInstance_35166112798766 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Fundraisers DESCRIPTION:Please join the Health\, Wellness & Safety Committee at #OHIOCh illicothein the collection of canned food and non-perishable items to help prevent hunger this holiday season. This drive by food collection is open t o the public and items can be placed in the barrel on the front porch of Be nnett Hall from 8 am to 5 pm weekdays or by appointment via .#BeSafeBobcats #CommunityEngagement #HilltopperResourceCenter DTEND:20201205T050000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T203526Z DTSTART:20201204T130000Z GEO:42.369975;-72.534184 LOCATION:Bennett Hall\, Front Porch SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Drive By Food Collection\,2008:EventInstance_35166112799791 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Fundraisers DESCRIPTION:Please join the Health\, Wellness & Safety Committee at #OHIOCh illicothein the collection of canned food and non-perishable items to help prevent hunger this holiday season. This drive by food collection is open t o the public and items can be placed in the barrel on the front porch of Be nnett Hall from 8 am to 5 pm weekdays or by appointment via .#BeSafeBobcats #CommunityEngagement #HilltopperResourceCenter DTEND:20201208T050000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T203526Z DTSTART:20201207T130000Z GEO:42.369975;-72.534184 LOCATION:Bennett Hall\, Front Porch SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Drive By Food Collection\,2008:EventInstance_35166112800816 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Fundraisers DESCRIPTION:Please join the Health\, Wellness & Safety Committee at #OHIOCh illicothein the collection of canned food and non-perishable items to help prevent hunger this holiday season. This drive by food collection is open t o the public and items can be placed in the barrel on the front porch of Be nnett Hall from 8 am to 5 pm weekdays or by appointment via .#BeSafeBobcats #CommunityEngagement #HilltopperResourceCenter DTEND:20201209T050000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T203526Z DTSTART:20201208T130000Z GEO:42.369975;-72.534184 LOCATION:Bennett Hall\, Front Porch SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Drive By Food Collection\,2008:EventInstance_35166112801841 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Fundraisers DESCRIPTION:Please join the Health\, Wellness & Safety Committee at #OHIOCh illicothein the collection of canned food and non-perishable items to help prevent hunger this holiday season. This drive by food collection is open t o the public and items can be placed in the barrel on the front porch of Be nnett Hall from 8 am to 5 pm weekdays or by appointment via .#BeSafeBobcats #CommunityEngagement #HilltopperResourceCenter DTEND:20201210T050000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T203526Z DTSTART:20201209T130000Z GEO:42.369975;-72.534184 LOCATION:Bennett Hall\, Front Porch SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Drive By Food Collection\,2008:EventInstance_35166112802866 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Fundraisers DESCRIPTION:Please join the Health\, Wellness & Safety Committee at #OHIOCh illicothein the collection of canned food and non-perishable items to help prevent hunger this holiday season. This drive by food collection is open t o the public and items can be placed in the barrel on the front porch of Be nnett Hall from 8 am to 5 pm weekdays or by appointment via .#BeSafeBobcats #CommunityEngagement #HilltopperResourceCenter DTEND:20201211T050000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T203526Z DTSTART:20201210T130000Z GEO:42.369975;-72.534184 LOCATION:Bennett Hall\, Front Porch SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Drive By Food Collection\,2008:EventInstance_35166112803891 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Fundraisers DESCRIPTION:Please join the Health\, Wellness & Safety Committee at #OHIOCh illicothein the collection of canned food and non-perishable items to help prevent hunger this holiday season. This drive by food collection is open t o the public and items can be placed in the barrel on the front porch of Be nnett Hall from 8 am to 5 pm weekdays or by appointment via .#BeSafeBobcats #CommunityEngagement #HilltopperResourceCenter DTEND:20201212T050000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T203526Z DTSTART:20201211T130000Z GEO:42.369975;-72.534184 LOCATION:Bennett Hall\, Front Porch SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Drive By Food Collection\,2008:EventInstance_35166112804916 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Fundraisers DESCRIPTION:Please join the Health\, Wellness & Safety Committee at #OHIOCh illicothein the collection of canned food and non-perishable items to help prevent hunger this holiday season. This drive by food collection is open t o the public and items can be placed in the barrel on the front porch of Be nnett Hall from 8 am to 5 pm weekdays or by appointment via .#BeSafeBobcats #CommunityEngagement #HilltopperResourceCenter DTEND:20201215T050000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T203526Z DTSTART:20201214T130000Z GEO:42.369975;-72.534184 LOCATION:Bennett Hall\, Front Porch SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Drive By Food Collection\,2008:EventInstance_35166112805941 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Fundraisers DESCRIPTION:Please join the Health\, Wellness & Safety Committee at #OHIOCh illicothein the collection of canned food and non-perishable items to help prevent hunger this holiday season. This drive by food collection is open t o the public and items can be placed in the barrel on the front porch of Be nnett Hall from 8 am to 5 pm weekdays or by appointment via .#BeSafeBobcats #CommunityEngagement #HilltopperResourceCenter DTEND:20201216T050000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T203526Z DTSTART:20201215T130000Z GEO:42.369975;-72.534184 LOCATION:Bennett Hall\, Front Porch SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Drive By Food Collection\,2008:EventInstance_35166112806966 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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