BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Join the Ebony Bobcat Network (EBN) Cincinnati/Dayton affiliate for an afternoon of fellowship\, bowling\, and pizza at RollHouse Fairfiel d!\n\nIn addition to the food and fun\, we will share information regarding EBN\, including our mission\, activities\, and how to become a member. Don ’t miss this chance to connect with fellow Ohio University alumni and learn more about the Ebony Bobcat Network Cincinnati/Dayton affiliate during an enjoyable evening for everyone!\n\nIf you have any questions about the even t\, contact Edan Evans de Roziere at If you need help with event registration\, contact Advancement Events at eventsadv\n\n \n\n\n\nBecome a Member of the Ebony Bobcat Network!\nDuring the registration process for this event\, you will be able to sign up for EBN membership. Becoming a member of the Ebony Bobcat Network (EBN) is simp le and affordable at just $50 for membership from February 2025 through Jun e 2026!\n\nIf you are unable to attend the event but would like to express your interest in EBN membership\, please submit the form and use the code E BNMembership to submit your interest.\n\nPlease Note: Becoming an EBN membe r is a separate process from registering for an event ticket. Membership do es not include an event ticket\, so be sure to register for both if you'd l ike to attend. Any information you provide related to your EBN membership t hrough this registration form will be shared with the Ohio University Alumn i Association and the Ebony Bobcat Network. DTEND:20250222T213000Z DTSTAMP:20250222T171353Z DTSTART:20250222T190000Z GEO:39.337878;-84.533243 LOCATION:The RollHouse Fairfield SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:EBN Cincinnati/Dayton at RollHouse Fairfield\,2008:EventInstance_48669900054794 URL: ield END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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