CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event
DESCRIPTION:Ebony Bobcat Network (EBN)-DMV invites you to join fellow Bobca
ts for an enjoyable gathering where connections will be made and friendship
s renewed!\n\nThis event aims to bring Ohio University alumni together in a
welcoming space while emphasizing the values of collaboration and support.
This is not just an invitation to socialize\; it’s a chance to contribute
to the legacy of excellence EBN represents. This is a National EBN Membersh
ip Drive event! We are seeking to increase the number of EBN members to str
engthen our network\, making it easier for EBN alumni to collaborate on opp
ortunities and initiatives that benefit our community as a whole. Your regi
stration fee includes delicious appetizers and a selection of ice teas. Par
ticipants also will receive some exclusive OHIO swag.\n\nThis is your oppor
tunity to engage with fellow EBN-DMV alumni\, share your experiences\, and
explore how we can work together to elevate EBN and student life at Ohio Un
iversity. We hope to see you there and bring a friend!\n\nIf you have any q
uestions about the event\, contact George Wilson at
. If you need help with event registration\, contact Advancement Events at\n\n \n\n \n\n\n\nBecome a Member of the Ebony Bobcat Ne
twork!\nDuring the registration process for this event\, you will be able t
o sign up for EBN membership. Becoming a member of the Ebony Bobcat Network
(EBN) is simple and affordable at just $50 for membership from February 20
25 through June 2026!\n\nIf you are unable to join us for this event\, you
can sign up for EBN membership on the EBN website.\n\nPlease Note: Becoming
an EBN member is a separate process from registering for an event ticket.
Membership does not include an event ticket\, so be sure to register for bo
th if you'd like to attend. Any information you provide related to your EBN
membership through this registration form will be shared with the Ohio Uni
versity Alumni Association and the Ebony Bobcat Network.
LOCATION:Giggle Water
SUMMARY:EBN-DMV Membership Campaign Gathering\,2008:EventInstance_48781145657456