BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Fight hunger and celebrate Give Thanks November with your fello w Bobcats by supporting the food pantry of the Madisonville Education and A ssistance Center in Cincinnati\, Ohio! The center is housed in the East Pre sbyterian Church at 4600 Erie Ave.\, Cincinnati\, Ohio 45227. Participants can pull into the parking lot which is located at Erie and Roe to deliver t he food items. If you are unable to deliver items on the day of the event\, please contact Reynell Frazier\, \n\nThe agency is in need of the following items: boxed cereal\, chicken noodle soup\, Chu nky and Progresso Soups\, canned chili\, beef stew\, pork and beans\, green beans\, fruits and pasta sauce.\n\nHelp us meet our goal of collecting 23 pounds of food in honor of OHIO's 23rd president in 2023!\n\nGiving Tuesday is all about helping Bobcats who could use a helping hand\, whether it’s i n the form of food from the Cats’ Cupboard or cash assistance via one of OH IO’s many student emergency funds. The need is real\, and every contributio n matters. Give now! DTEND:20231111T160000Z DTSTAMP:20241005T092849Z DTSTART:20231111T140000Z GEO:39.156351;-84.395279 LOCATION:Madisonville Education and Assistance Center-East Presbyterian Chu rch SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:EBN Cincinnati/Dayton Give Thanks November Food Drive\,2008:EventInstance_44632660397974 URL: ber_food_drive END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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