BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Elizabeth Evans Baker Endowed Lecture by Fati Abubakar\, Dec. 3 \n\nThe Contemporary History Institute hosts the Elizabeth Evans Baker Endo wed Lecture featuring Fati Abubakar on Thursday\, Dec. 3\, at noon.\n\nJoin on Teams.Abubakar is a documentary photographer\, photojournalist\, and pu blic health worker from Nigeria. She was born and raised in Maiduguri\, Bor no State. She has a bachelor's degree in nursing\, a master’s degree in pub lic health and health promotion\, and an MFA in experimental and documentar y arts. She specializes in documenting cities and towns\, highlighting both the positives and negatives of each location. Focusing on health perspecti ves\, she uses photography as a medium to highlight the problems at the com munity level. Her interests also include documenting cultures\, conflict\, urban poverty\, rural development\, and humanitarian issues\, with a specia l interest in counter-narratives for underrepresented communities.\n\nIn 20 15\, she embarked on a personal project to showcase her hometown of Borno S tate\, Nigeria at the time of Boko-haram. A project which has been titled " Bits of Borno" on social media has gained critical acclaim and has been pu blished in media outlets including The New York Times\, BBC\, Reuters\, CNN \, Voice of America\, Newsweek Europe\, Africa is a Country blog\, Nigerian newspapers such as ThisDay and the Blueprint. She has been commissioned to work with UNICEF\, International Alert\, Action Aid\, and more.\n\nThis ev ent is free and open to the public using the link above. There will be an opportunity for Q&A. DTEND:20201203T180000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T115022Z DTSTART:20201203T170000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Elizabeth Evans Baker Endowed Lecture by Fati Abubakar\, Dec. 3\,2008:EventInstance_35290218642984 URL: y_fati_abubakar_dec_3 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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