BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:The Ohio University Alumni Association is excited to introduce you to the next installment in our virtual series\, Empower Hour! This is a bi-weekly event that takes place on Wednesdays from 1-2 p.m. EST. \n\n \n\ nEmpower Hour is a program that explores important and relevant topics cent ered around the theme of continued personal growth and education. We want t o equip OHIO alumni with the knowledge they need to become their best selve s! \n\n \n\nThis Empower Hour segment is called "Recognizing and Combatting Imposter Syndrome." Imposter syndrome is the insidious feeling that you do n’t deserve the accomplishments you have achieved\, personally or professio nally. It can impact our lives in a variety of spaces\, including the workp lace\, parenthood\, or in our hobbies. It’s not commonly discussed - mostly because we’re afraid that if we admit to feeling it\, everyone will figure out we’re a fraud! This talk will explain and define imposter syndrome\, e xplore some of the reasons we feel it\, and discuss specific strategies to empower listeners to fight against it.\n\n \n\nDr. Stephanie Tikkanen recei ved her Ph.D. in Communication Studies from University of California\, Sant a Barbara. She taught at Ohio University as an Assistant Professor in the S chool of Communication Studies for seven years\, teaching courses in interp ersonal communication\, new media\, and research methods. Dr. Tikkanen's re search program focuses on the growing role of new media (e.g. social media platforms\, mobile phones) in interpersonal relationships. Specifically\, s he takes a theoretical approach to understanding the way in which channel a ffordances of emerging technologies interact with individual cognitions and relational motivations to affect interpersonal processes such as disclosur e and social support across relational types and in marginalized or underst udied populations. Currently\, Dr. Tikkanen is teaching at Santa Clara Univ ersity in Santa Clara\, CA\, where she lives with her husband and two child ren. \n\n \nYou will receive a confirmation email upon registration that wi ll include details on how to join this virtual event.\n \nIf you have any q uestions\, please email Associate Director\, Alumni Experiences\, Caleb Bea secker at DTEND:20200909T180000Z DTSTAMP:20241125T094450Z DTSTART:20200909T170000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Empower Hour - Recognizing and Combatting Imposter Syndrome\,2008:EventInstance_34404776133612 URL: ng_imposter_syndrome END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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