BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event,Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Join us as we launch Women’s History Month with EmpowerHer\, a afternoon of inspiration\, creativity\, and community. This dynamic kickoff event will set the stage for a month of reflection and action\, centering on the theme "Moving Forward Together."\n\nšŸŒŸ Keynote Speaker – Hear from a powerful voice who will ignite conversations on resilience\, leadership\, a nd collective progress.\n\nšŸŽ­ Live Performances – Experience an electrifying lineup of performances celebrating the strength and artistry of women.\n\n šŸŽ¤ Student Leader Panel – Engage with student changemakers as they share the ir perspectives on leadership\, activism\, and the future of gender equity. \n\nšŸ‘— Exclusive Giveaway – Attendees will have the opportunity to win a cus tom-designed outfit worth over $1\,000 by Ohio University alumna FriskMeGoo d\, a fashion trailblazer recently endorsed by Cardi B.\n\nThis event is op en to everyone!\n\nāœØ Register now! šŸ‘‰ DTEND:20250301T190000Z DTSTAMP:20250222T171441Z DTSTART:20250301T160000Z GEO:39.322732;-82.10287 LOCATION:Walter Hall\, Walter Rotunda SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:EmpowerHer\,2008:EventInstance_48923267765950 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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