BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122728Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241114 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715914658 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122728Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241115 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715916707 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122728Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241116 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715918756 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122728Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241117 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715920805 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122728Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241118 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715922854 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122728Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241119 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715923879 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122728Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241120 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715925928 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122728Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241121 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715927977 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122728Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241122 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715929002 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122728Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241123 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715931051 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122728Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241124 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715932076 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122728Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241125 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715935149 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122728Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241126 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715937198 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122728Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241127 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715940271 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122728Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241128 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715941296 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122728Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241129 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715943345 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122728Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241130 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715945394 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122728Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241201 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715946419 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122728Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241202 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715948468 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122728Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241203 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715949493 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122728Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241204 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715951542 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122728Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241205 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715953591 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122728Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241206 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715954616 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241207 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715957689 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241208 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715960762 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241209 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715963835 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241210 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715966908 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241211 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715968957 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241212 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715972030 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241213 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715974079 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241214 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715977152 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241215 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715979201 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241216 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715980226 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241217 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715983299 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241218 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715985348 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241219 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715988421 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241220 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715989446 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241221 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715991495 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241222 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715993544 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241223 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715995593 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241224 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715997642 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241225 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215715999691 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241226 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716002764 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241227 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716004813 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241228 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716005838 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241229 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716007887 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241230 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716009936 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241231 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716011985 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250101 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716013010 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250102 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716015059 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250103 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716016084 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250104 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716018133 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250105 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716020182 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250106 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716021207 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250107 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716023256 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250108 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716025305 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250109 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716026330 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250110 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716028379 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250111 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716030428 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250112 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716032477 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250113 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716034526 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250114 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716035551 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250115 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716037600 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250116 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716039649 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250117 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716041698 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250118 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716043747 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250119 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716044772 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250120 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716046821 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250121 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716048870 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250122 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716050919 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250123 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716052968 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250124 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716053993 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250125 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716056042 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250126 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716058091 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250127 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716060140 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250128 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716062189 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250129 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716065262 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250130 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716067311 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250131 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716068336 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250201 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716070385 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250202 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716072434 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250203 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716074483 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250204 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716076532 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250205 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716077557 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250206 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716080630 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250207 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716083703 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250208 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716087800 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250209 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716091897 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250210 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716093946 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250211 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716098043 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250212 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716100092 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250213 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716102141 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250214 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716104190 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250215 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716106239 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250216 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716107264 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250217 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716109313 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250218 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716111362 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250219 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716113411 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250220 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716115460 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250221 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716116485 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250222 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716118534 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250223 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716120583 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250224 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716122632 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250225 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716124681 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250226 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716126730 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250227 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716128779 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250228 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716130828 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250301 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716133901 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250302 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716136974 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250303 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716140047 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250304 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716142096 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250305 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716144145 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250306 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716146194 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250307 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716148243 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250308 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716151316 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250309 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716154389 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250310 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716156438 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250311 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716158487 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250312 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716160536 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250313 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716161561 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250314 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716164634 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250315 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716166683 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250316 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716168732 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250317 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716170781 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250318 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716172830 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250319 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716174879 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250320 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716177952 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250321 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716178977 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250322 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716181026 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250323 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716183075 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250324 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716185124 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250325 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716186149 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122729Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250326 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716188198 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250327 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716190247 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250328 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716192296 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250329 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716194345 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250330 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716196394 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250331 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716198443 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250401 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716199468 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250402 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716201517 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250403 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716203566 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250404 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716205615 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250405 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716206640 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250406 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716208689 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250407 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716210738 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250408 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716211763 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250409 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716213812 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250410 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716215861 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250411 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716217910 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250412 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716219959 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250413 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716222008 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250414 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716223033 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250415 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716225082 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250416 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716226107 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250417 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716228156 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250418 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716230205 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250419 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716232254 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250420 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716233279 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250421 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716235328 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250422 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716236353 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122730Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250423 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716238402 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250424 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716239427 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250425 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716241476 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250426 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716243525 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250427 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716244550 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250428 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716246599 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250429 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716248648 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250430 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716250697 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250501 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716253770 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250502 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716256843 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250503 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716257868 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250504 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716259917 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250505 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716262990 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250506 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716266063 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250507 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716269136 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250508 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716274257 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250509 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716277330 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250510 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716281427 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250511 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716285524 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250512 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716287573 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250513 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716289622 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250514 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716291671 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250515 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716293720 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250516 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716295769 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250517 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716297818 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250518 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716299867 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250519 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716300892 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250520 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716302941 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250521 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716304990 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250522 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716307039 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250523 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716308064 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250524 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716310113 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250525 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716312162 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250526 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716315235 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250527 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716317284 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250528 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716319333 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250529 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716320358 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250530 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716322407 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250531 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716324456 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Libraries is celebrating the 60th anniversary o f the founding of the Center for International Studies and the African Stud ies program with an exhibit titled\, “60 years of International Studies at Ohio University: The Past and Present.”\n\nThe display\, which opened Thurs day\, Nov. 14 on the fourth floor of Alden Library\, will run until June 20 25.\n\nThe materials in the display showcases the accomplishments of the Ce nter through the years. The display includes prestigious grant awards\, con ferences and seminars\, sponsoring new faculty and staff positions\, facult y research\, library acquisitions\, outreach activities\, cultural events\, performing arts and publications. DTSTAMP:20250221T122731Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250601 GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 4th floor SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University\,2008:EventInstance_48215716325481 URL: es-at-ohio-university END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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