BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Concerts & Performances DESCRIPTION:Yu Tamaki Hoso: International Soloist\n\nFinal Concert of the T rombone Day event.\nConcert is free and open to the public (no registration required)\n\nSunday Jan. 29\n4:00 PM\nGlidden Recital Hall\n\n \n\nYu Tama ki Hoso\n\nA Japanese solo trombonist active worldwide\, Yu Tamaki Hoso is a chamber and orchestra musician\, educator\, entrepreneur\, published auth or\, and producer. Yu currently resides in Denmark and serves asan official artist for Pro Arte Musicae of Tokyo\, S.E. Shires Company of Boston\, and Willie's Custom Brass of Yamanashi\, as well as Music Director of FukuTama Festival in Shimane.\n\nSince 2018\, Yu has been focusing on solo performa nce after a 15-year career as an orchestral trombonist in Japan\, the USA a nd Europe. Currently focusing on giving recitals\, concerto appearances and master classes\, he has made appearances in Japan\, the USA\, Denmark\, Cz ech Republic\, France\, Germany Italy\, Norway\, South Korea\, Sweden\, Swi tzerland\, Taiwan\, Turkey\, and the UK.\n\nHis first album Love and Chaos was released in 2018. His second album\, Colors for Trombone\, and first si ngle\, Game from An\;G\;El\, were released in 2019 and are both available o n iTunes/Apple Music and other major streaming services.\n\nIn addition to his contributions as a performer\, Yu has has been conducting educational w orkshops and master classes for young professionals since 2014. Workshops h ave been sponsored by the Tokyo metropolitan government\, Pro Arte Musicae\ , and the Shinjuku ward office of Tokyo\, where he continues to instruct st udents and help guide them in their musical careers. Having had the opportu nity to both study and perform trombone all over the world in Asia\, Europe \, and North America\, Yu is able to offer a unique perspective and broad u nderstanding of trombone performance to the next generation of musicians.\n ​\nYu's passion and gift for sharing the human experience through music is evident not only in his expressive performance but also through his numerou s collaborations and educational endeavors. Yu Tamaki Hoso is leaving his m ark on the world one note at a time. DTEND:20230129T220000Z DTSTAMP:20241005T042212Z DTSTART:20230129T210000Z GEO:39.327867;-82.097509 LOCATION:Glidden Hall SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Trombone: Yu Tamaki Hoso\,2008:EventInstance_41535158971694 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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