BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations,Networking & Social Event,Exhibition DESCRIPTION:All are invited to the Mahn Center for Archives & Special Colle ctions and Digital Initiatives Founder's Day Spring Student Showcase! We we lcome students\, staff\, faculty\, alumni\, and the community\, whether you are old friends\, generous supporters\, first time visitors\, or just curi ous.\n\n \n\nThis Showcase also serves as the opening of the digital and ph ysical exhibits\, "Out and Proud: The Origin and Evolution of Ohio Universi ty's Pride Movement\," curated by fall 2024 interns Taylor Payne\, BA '26 a nd Olivia Ondrik\, BFA '27. \n\n \n\nTo learn more about Archives & Special Collections and Digital Initiatives\, explore the OHIO Archives Blog\, bro wse the Digital Archives\, search ArchivesSpace\, and view current and past Exhibits.\n\n \n\nShowcase Details:\n\nDrop in anytime between 4 and 6PM o n the 5th floor of Alden Library.Light refreshments will be served. Interns and student employees will share selections from and their expertise on th eir fall and spring projects.A display will highlight materials from Univer sity Archives\, Manuscript Collections\, Rare Books\, and the Documentary P hotography Archive that we are excited to make available for research\, ins truction\, and general interest. Get hands on and creative with coloring pa ges\, button making\, and more!Provide feedback on the evolving Archives & Special Collections Discovery Space\, which includes exhibits\, a digital s lideshow\, reading room\, and other opportunities for self-guided explorati on and learning. \n\nFor more information or for accessibility accommodatio ns contact Miriam Intrator DTEND:20250218T230000Z DTSTAMP:20250222T213640Z DTSTART:20250218T210000Z GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 5th floor\, Archives & Special Collections SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Founder's Day Spring Student Showcase\,2008:EventInstance_48551877060299 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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