BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Join us for this gallery reception for In This Space: Disrupted \, and listen to speakers talk about their involvement in\, and the importa nce of\, the exhibit. Speeches will begin at approximately 6:15PM. Visitors are welcome to explore the exhibit following the speeches.\n\nIn This Spac e: Disrupted focuses on geographies of space and violence. Like many rape m yths\, the process of associating certain locations (or people) with violen ce can otherize victims and survivors whose experiences do not match with t he public narrative. Both Hollaback! and harassmap have focused on naming p ublic locations in which harassment occurs\, and our hope is that this exhi bit will call into question the public and private locations of trauma. We hope it instills awareness in viewers and is a call to action that challen ges static narratives so that survivors may be supported in all spaces. \n\ nIn This Space: Disrupted is organized and sponsored by the Women’s Center\ , Survivor Advocacy Program\, Health Promotion\, Ohio University Art Galler ies\, Ohio Women\, Ohio University Alumni Association\, and with support fr om Counseling and Psychological Services.\n\nTo view the virtual exhibit\, please visit\; DTEND:20210909T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T053001Z DTSTART:20210908T220000Z LOCATION:Trisolini Gallery\, Baker 405 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Gallery Reception: In This Space: Disrupted\,2008:EventInstance_37457381427282 URL: ed END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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