BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations,Networking & Social Event,Workshops & C lasses DESCRIPTION:Join us for GIS Day 2023! GIS Day is a worldwide event celebrat ing the technology of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and its users. G IS is a scientific framework for gathering\, analyzing\, and visualizing ge ographic data to help us make better decisions\, identify problems\, monito r change\, set priorities\, and understand trends. On GIS Day we will help others learn more about GIS by sharing real-world examples of its use acros s a variety of fields.\n\n \n\nWith presenters from a variety of department s and university partners\, we will be showcasing how GIS is a useful tool across a variety of fields for analyzing and visualizing data\, providing t he context needed to make decisions\, and telling meaningful stories. Follo wing the presentations\, will be a networking hour from 5 - 6 p.m. with opp ortunity to speak with the presenters and make connections with other GIS u sers. Refreshments will be provided. \n\n \n\nPre-registration is appreciat ed\, but not required to attend. \n\n \n\nFind more information and agenda for the day at our website and learn more about GIS Day events happening ar ound the world: b02b992ac4. DTEND:20231115T230000Z DTSTAMP:20241005T022217Z DTSTART:20231115T180000Z GEO:39.325428;-82.100228 LOCATION:Alden Library\, 319 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:GIS Day\,2008:EventInstance_44747795327861 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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