BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations,Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Interested in recruiting volunteers and tracking volunteer impa ct for your non-profit? Looking for a tool to help coordinate course-based and co-curricular community engagement with external partners for your stud ents?\n\nPlease join us for a GivePulse training.\n\nGivePulse is an online community engagement platform that connects people to opportunities to get involved in their community. It offers nonprofits robust volunteer coordin ation and donor management functionality\, and universities a comprehensive tool for facilitating\, tracking\, and assessing community-engaged experie ntial learning.\n\nBy becoming part of Ohio University’s GivePulse network\ , students\, staff\, faculty\, and community partners can meaningfully enga ge with each other by: \n\nExploring the network to find organizations and causes they care about Finding volunteer opportunities and other community eventsCoordinating service projects\, service learning classes\, or donatio n drives Tracking participation and impacts like service hours\, reflection s\, donations\, etc. \nCommunity organizations may use GivePulse—and its co mprehensive volunteer management and donor management capabilities—to inter act with university stakeholders and the public at no cost.\n\nFind more de tails on OHIO's GivePulse web page. \n\nRegister DTEND:20230404T160000Z DTSTAMP:20241005T043226Z DTSTART:20230404T140000Z LOCATION:Bennett Hall\, 273 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:GivePulse Training\,2008:EventInstance_42702197548301 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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