BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Join Ohio University's Univerity Program Council and Office of the Dean of Students for this free Sibs Weekend event! From glow in the dar k mini golf to inflatable axe throwing\, this event offers fun for all ages . Our signature "Sibs Weekend" cup will also be given away at this event al ong with free pizza!\n\nThis event will be hosted in Baker Ballroom. Please note that there will be minimal lighting inside the space to ensure the ev ent is glowing. Ohio University staff members will be present at this event . \n\nWe can't wait to see you there!\n\n*ALL GLOW ROLLERINK PARTICIPANTS M UST SIGN A WAIVER. FOR PARTICIPANTS UNDER 18\, A LEGAL GUARDIAN MUST SIGN T HE FORM. PLEASE PRINT OFF AND SIGN FOR YOUR MINOR. FOR ALL OTHER PARTICIPAN TS\, WAIVERS WILL BE AVAILABLE AT THE EVENT. LINK TO WAIVER.* DTEND:20240203T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241005T052402Z DTSTART:20240203T180000Z GEO:39.324863;-82.101742 LOCATION:Baker University Center\, Baker Ballroom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:GLOhio- A Sibs Weekend Glow Event\,2008:EventInstance_45375191685329 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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