BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Concerts & Performances,Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:You are invited to audition for "Godspell (Revised 2012)". Ever yone is welcome!\n\n \n\nDate: Friday\, October 11\nTime: 11:45 am\nPlace: Brasee Hall | Wagner Theatre\n\n \n\nTo Audition:\n\n1. Prepare a song from Godspell\, Original or Revised Version (2012). Use a YouTube track and pre pare about 32 bars. A speaker will be provided.\n2. The libretto (script an d music) will be on reserve in the library. \n3. Email the director\, A. Vi ctor Jones ( for more information.\n\n \n\nAbout "Godspell (Revised 2012)":\n\nA small group of people help Jesus Christ tell differe nt parables by using a wide variety of games\, storytelling techniques and a hefty dose of comic timing. An eclectic blend of songs\, ranging in style from pop to vaudeville\, is employed as the story of Jesus' life dances ac ross the stage. Dissolving hauntingly into the Last Supper and the Crucifix ion\, Jesus' messages of kindness\, tolerance and love come vibrantly to li fe.\n\n \n\nBoasting a score with chart-topping songs\, a book by a visiona ry playwright (John-Michael Tebelak) and a feature film\, Godspell is a sen sation that continues to touch audiences. Because of its small technical de mands and minimal cast size\, it has become a staple of theatre companies\, large and small.\n\n \n\n"Godspell (Revised 2012)" is presented through sp ecial arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized pe rformance materials are supplied by MTI.\n\n \n\ DTEND:20241011T170000Z DTSTAMP:20241005T091612Z DTSTART:20241011T154500Z GEO:39.738563;-82.586407 LOCATION:Ohio University Lancaster\, Wagner Theatre SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Godspell (Revised 2012) Auditions\,2008:EventInstance_47658227875181 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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