BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Fall 2021\, Summer 2021 & Spring 2020\n\nIt is with great antic ipation and excitement that Ohio University Chillicothe welcomes the Fall 2 021\, Summer 2021 and Spring 2020 graduation classes to a special\, in-pers on Graduation Recognition Ceremony. \n\nDate: Thursday\, December 9\n\nChec k-In Arrival: 5:30 p.m.\n\nCeremony Begins: 6:00 p.m. \n\nPlace: Shoemaker Center\n\nIf you are a graduate wishing to attend the Chillicothe Graduatio n Recognition Event\, please complete the following form. \n\nAbout the Cer emony\n\nThe ceremony will be approximately 1 hour in length and will inclu de the following:\n\nWelcome and Introductions by Dean Roberta MillikenGues t SpeakerPresentation of Student Awards and CandidatesClosingReservations R equired\n\nAll graduates will have the opportunity to have six (6) guests a ttend this ceremony. Reservations are REQUIRED for seating accommodations. Students must complete the registration form by Saturday\, November 20\, 2021.\n\nCap & Gown Packages\n\nRegalia is required for the in-person cerem ony. You may not participate in person without Ohio University issued regal ia. No regalia sales will occur at the ceremony venue.\n\nAny graduating st udent may purchase regalia\, regardless of their ceremony participation. Ac ademic honor cords for cum laude\, magna cum laude\, and summa cum laude wi ll be provided by the University based on academic information from the Reg istrar's Office. Student regalia will be mailed to student’s home address\ , no regalia will be available for pick-up at the campus.\n\nPLACE YOUR ORD ER\n\nOrder Deadline: November 20\, 2021\n\nNote: Be sure to purchase your regalia before the order deadline to ensure on-time delivery. Shipping del ays have been experienced and are common because of COVID-19. Gowns feature distinct styles for Associate/Bachelor\, Master and Doctoral degrees. A B achelor gown may not be worn at the graduate/masters ceremony.\n\nPhotograp hy\n\nGuest may take photos during the ceremony\, but we ask that they rema in seated during the ceremony so not to disturb other guest who are trying to see their graduate.\n\nA selfie station will also be available to get a special shot with honored graduates.\n\nMany opportunities will be availabl e to capture a popular family photo or selfie around the Ohio University Ch illicothe campus. Be sure to hashtag #OHIOgrad2021 to share your memories!\ n\nOhio University Commencement (Athens Campus)\n\nOhio University plans to host an in-person Fall Commencement Ceremony on Saturday\, December 11 at 2 p.m. at the Convocation Center on 95 Richland Avenue\, Athens\, Ohio 4570 1. \n\nThis ceremony is a separate event from the Graduation Recognition Ce remony at OHIO Chillicothe.\n\nQuestions?\n\nCONTACT: Jaime Lowe | Student Services | | 740-774-7241 DTEND:20211210T003000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T030539Z DTSTART:20211209T230000Z LOCATION:TBA SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Graduation Recognition Ceremony\,2008:EventInstance_38260147339682 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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