BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event,Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Join Reiki Practitioner and Dietitian Louise Cruz RDN\, LD for a group session sure to leave you more relaxed. This special group virtual Reiki session will last 30 minutes. During the session\, Louise will guide the group through a virtual Reiki session and will share information on how to schedule an appointment for Reiki or nutrition counseling.\n\nReiki is a Japanese tradition of bringing oneself into balance. The word Reiki is ma de up of two words: “Rei” meaning "universal or of all things\," and “ki” w hich is energy. So\, Reiki is the universal energy of all things. It is the energy all things are made of\, the energy that animates life\, and the en ergy that can heal as the self is brought into balance.\n\nPractitioners ar e attuned to this energy and\, using their hands (by hovering over the body or through gentle touch)\, they connect to the Ki of the client. This proc ess helps the client’s energy flow more freely. It is similar to going into a deep meditation where all the stories of illness and stressors are left behind. The more time someone can spend in this state\, the more the storie s of suffering fade away.\n\nAfter a few sessions\, many say they sleep bet ter\, do not get as effected by the stressors of life\, and that they feel like themselves again. As these transformations take place\, many people do find relief with physical symptoms.\n\nReiki is non-invasive and presents minimal risk. The client will lie or sit comfortably during the session. It can be done in person\, virtually\, and for groups of people at one time.\ n\nPresenter: Louise Cruz\,\n\nRegister to receive the Zoom link. DTEND:20231004T163000Z DTSTAMP:20241005T022229Z DTSTART:20231004T160000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Group Reiki With Louise Cruz\,2008:EventInstance_44324186754299 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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