BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event,Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Immerse yourself in the soothing art of creating your own herba l bath tea blends in our Herbal Bath Tea Blending Workshop. This class offe rs a unique opportunity to learn about a variety of herbs\, essential oils and salts that can be used to enhance relaxation and relieve muscle aches. Angel Altman\, owner of Tea of Life Apothecary\, will guide you through the properties and benefits of each ingredient\, helping you understand how to craft a blend that suits your specific needs.\n\nAfter the informative ses sion\, participants will have the chance to select 2-3 different components to create their personalized bath tea blend. You'll receive tips on how to balance the ingredients to maximize their therapeutic effects. By the end of the workshop\, you’ll have your very own custom herbal bath tea blend to take home and enjoy. Whether you're looking to unwind or soothe sore muscl es\, this workshop provides a relaxing and educational experience\, empower ing you to create a luxurious and healing bath time ritual.\n\n\nCost: $30\ nRegistration deadline: October 14\, 2024\n\nCommunity Education workshops are open to the general public regardless of educational background.\n\nCom munity Education workshops are non-credit and do not carry credit applicabl e toward an Ohio University degree or transfer to other institutions.\n\nRe gistration: eries DTEND:20241016T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T043626Z DTSTART:20241015T220000Z GEO:39.331045;-82.999206 LOCATION:Bennett Hall\, Bennett 131 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Herbal Bath Tea Blending\,2008:EventInstance_47128155639125 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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