BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:The E.W. Scripps School of Journalism’s annual workshop for hig h school journalism students and advisers started in 1946 and is one of the oldest programs in the nation. The School of Journalism at Ohio University offers high school students and teachers the opportunity to interact with our faculty and professional journalists while learning journalism’s estab lished practices and latest innovations in a campus setting.\n\nOpen to hig h school students from rising sophomores to recent graduates.\n\nThe 2025 H igh School Journalism Workshop will take place July 13-17.\n\n \n\nRegistra tion closes Friday\, June 20\, 2025\, at 11:59 p.m.\n\n\nThe $450 fee inclu des food and lodging in university dining and residence halls\, instruction and equipment\, and workshop programming and activities.\n\nFor more infor mation\, contact Mark Turner\, workshop director or call: 740.593.2587.\n\n For information about inclusion enhancement scholarships\, contact Mark Tur ner before Tuesday\, April 1\, 2025. DTSTAMP:20250223T050655Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250713 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:High School Journalism Workshop\,2008:EventInstance_48242875016676 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:The E.W. Scripps School of Journalism’s annual workshop for hig h school journalism students and advisers started in 1946 and is one of the oldest programs in the nation. The School of Journalism at Ohio University offers high school students and teachers the opportunity to interact with our faculty and professional journalists while learning journalism’s estab lished practices and latest innovations in a campus setting.\n\nOpen to hig h school students from rising sophomores to recent graduates.\n\nThe 2025 H igh School Journalism Workshop will take place July 13-17.\n\n \n\nRegistra tion closes Friday\, June 20\, 2025\, at 11:59 p.m.\n\n\nThe $450 fee inclu des food and lodging in university dining and residence halls\, instruction and equipment\, and workshop programming and activities.\n\nFor more infor mation\, contact Mark Turner\, workshop director or call: 740.593.2587.\n\n For information about inclusion enhancement scholarships\, contact Mark Tur ner before Tuesday\, April 1\, 2025. DTSTAMP:20250223T050655Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250714 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:High School Journalism Workshop\,2008:EventInstance_48242875017701 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:The E.W. Scripps School of Journalism’s annual workshop for hig h school journalism students and advisers started in 1946 and is one of the oldest programs in the nation. The School of Journalism at Ohio University offers high school students and teachers the opportunity to interact with our faculty and professional journalists while learning journalism’s estab lished practices and latest innovations in a campus setting.\n\nOpen to hig h school students from rising sophomores to recent graduates.\n\nThe 2025 H igh School Journalism Workshop will take place July 13-17.\n\n \n\nRegistra tion closes Friday\, June 20\, 2025\, at 11:59 p.m.\n\n\nThe $450 fee inclu des food and lodging in university dining and residence halls\, instruction and equipment\, and workshop programming and activities.\n\nFor more infor mation\, contact Mark Turner\, workshop director or call: 740.593.2587.\n\n For information about inclusion enhancement scholarships\, contact Mark Tur ner before Tuesday\, April 1\, 2025. DTSTAMP:20250223T050655Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250715 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:High School Journalism Workshop\,2008:EventInstance_48242875019750 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:The E.W. Scripps School of Journalism’s annual workshop for hig h school journalism students and advisers started in 1946 and is one of the oldest programs in the nation. The School of Journalism at Ohio University offers high school students and teachers the opportunity to interact with our faculty and professional journalists while learning journalism’s estab lished practices and latest innovations in a campus setting.\n\nOpen to hig h school students from rising sophomores to recent graduates.\n\nThe 2025 H igh School Journalism Workshop will take place July 13-17.\n\n \n\nRegistra tion closes Friday\, June 20\, 2025\, at 11:59 p.m.\n\n\nThe $450 fee inclu des food and lodging in university dining and residence halls\, instruction and equipment\, and workshop programming and activities.\n\nFor more infor mation\, contact Mark Turner\, workshop director or call: 740.593.2587.\n\n For information about inclusion enhancement scholarships\, contact Mark Tur ner before Tuesday\, April 1\, 2025. DTSTAMP:20250223T050655Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250716 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:High School Journalism Workshop\,2008:EventInstance_48242875020775 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:The E.W. Scripps School of Journalism’s annual workshop for hig h school journalism students and advisers started in 1946 and is one of the oldest programs in the nation. The School of Journalism at Ohio University offers high school students and teachers the opportunity to interact with our faculty and professional journalists while learning journalism’s estab lished practices and latest innovations in a campus setting.\n\nOpen to hig h school students from rising sophomores to recent graduates.\n\nThe 2025 H igh School Journalism Workshop will take place July 13-17.\n\n \n\nRegistra tion closes Friday\, June 20\, 2025\, at 11:59 p.m.\n\n\nThe $450 fee inclu des food and lodging in university dining and residence halls\, instruction and equipment\, and workshop programming and activities.\n\nFor more infor mation\, contact Mark Turner\, workshop director or call: 740.593.2587.\n\n For information about inclusion enhancement scholarships\, contact Mark Tur ner before Tuesday\, April 1\, 2025. DTSTAMP:20250223T050655Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250717 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:High School Journalism Workshop\,2008:EventInstance_48242875023848 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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