BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Fundraisers,Movies & Screenings DESCRIPTION:This event will be held at The Ridges Auditorium. See event sch edule below.\n\n \n\nAbout the film\n\nWill Ferrell stars as Buddy\, a regu lar-sized man who was raised as an elf by Santa Claus. When the news is fin ally broken to Buddy that he’s not a real elf\, he decides to head back to his place of birth\, New York City\, in search of his biological family.\n\ n \n\nSchedule of Events:\n\nSunday\, December 3\, 2023\n\n12:00-3:30 Take a ride with John Hutchison and his beautiful Percheron horses. John will sh are information about the history of the Ridges. Just the sounds of the jin gle bells and hooves on the bricks puts us in the holiday mood.\n\n12:30 Jo in us for a performance from the Ohio University Trombone Choir\n\n1:00 & 3 :00 We will be screening ELF two times to ensure that everyone will have a chance to laugh out loud to this Christmas Favorite.\n\n \n\nAbout the seri es\n\nAthena Cinema\, Arts for Ohio\, Athens Area Chamber of Commerce\, and the Athens Uptown Business Association present the 11th annual Holiday Fil m Series & Canned Food Drive!\n\nAs is tradition\, admission to all Holiday Film Series showings is either a non-perishable food or cash donation supp orting Athens Food Pantries. Tickets are available starting now\, both in-p erson and online! Online purchases have the option for a cash donation.\n\n Click here to view the other films coming to this year’s Holiday Film Serie s. DTEND:20231203T203000Z DTSTAMP:20241005T072735Z DTSTART:20231203T170000Z GEO:39.321112;-82.111044 LOCATION:The Ridges Auditorium SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Holiday Film Series: ELF\,2008:EventInstance_44880755564439 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Fundraisers,Movies & Screenings DESCRIPTION:This event will be held at The Ridges Auditorium. See event sch edule below.\n\n \n\nAbout the film\n\nWill Ferrell stars as Buddy\, a regu lar-sized man who was raised as an elf by Santa Claus. When the news is fin ally broken to Buddy that he’s not a real elf\, he decides to head back to his place of birth\, New York City\, in search of his biological family.\n\ n \n\nSchedule of Events:\n\nSunday\, December 3\, 2023\n\n12:00-3:30 Take a ride with John Hutchison and his beautiful Percheron horses. John will sh are information about the history of the Ridges. Just the sounds of the jin gle bells and hooves on the bricks puts us in the holiday mood.\n\n12:30 Jo in us for a performance from the Ohio University Trombone Choir\n\n1:00 & 3 :00 We will be screening ELF two times to ensure that everyone will have a chance to laugh out loud to this Christmas Favorite.\n\n \n\nAbout the seri es\n\nAthena Cinema\, Arts for Ohio\, Athens Area Chamber of Commerce\, and the Athens Uptown Business Association present the 11th annual Holiday Fil m Series & Canned Food Drive!\n\nAs is tradition\, admission to all Holiday Film Series showings is either a non-perishable food or cash donation supp orting Athens Food Pantries. Tickets are available starting now\, both in-p erson and online! Online purchases have the option for a cash donation.\n\n Click here to view the other films coming to this year’s Holiday Film Serie s. DTEND:20231203T190000Z DTSTAMP:20241005T072735Z DTSTART:20231203T180000Z GEO:39.321112;-82.111044 LOCATION:The Ridges Auditorium SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Holiday Film Series: ELF\,2008:EventInstance_44880755565464 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Fundraisers,Movies & Screenings DESCRIPTION:This event will be held at The Ridges Auditorium. See event sch edule below.\n\n \n\nAbout the film\n\nWill Ferrell stars as Buddy\, a regu lar-sized man who was raised as an elf by Santa Claus. When the news is fin ally broken to Buddy that he’s not a real elf\, he decides to head back to his place of birth\, New York City\, in search of his biological family.\n\ n \n\nSchedule of Events:\n\nSunday\, December 3\, 2023\n\n12:00-3:30 Take a ride with John Hutchison and his beautiful Percheron horses. John will sh are information about the history of the Ridges. Just the sounds of the jin gle bells and hooves on the bricks puts us in the holiday mood.\n\n12:30 Jo in us for a performance from the Ohio University Trombone Choir\n\n1:00 & 3 :00 We will be screening ELF two times to ensure that everyone will have a chance to laugh out loud to this Christmas Favorite.\n\n \n\nAbout the seri es\n\nAthena Cinema\, Arts for Ohio\, Athens Area Chamber of Commerce\, and the Athens Uptown Business Association present the 11th annual Holiday Fil m Series & Canned Food Drive!\n\nAs is tradition\, admission to all Holiday Film Series showings is either a non-perishable food or cash donation supp orting Athens Food Pantries. Tickets are available starting now\, both in-p erson and online! Online purchases have the option for a cash donation.\n\n Click here to view the other films coming to this year’s Holiday Film Serie s. DTEND:20231203T210000Z DTSTAMP:20241005T072735Z DTSTART:20231203T200000Z GEO:39.321112;-82.111044 LOCATION:The Ridges Auditorium SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Holiday Film Series: ELF\,2008:EventInstance_44880755567513 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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