BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:IAPE public lecture by Andreas Ströhl (Director\, Goethe Instit ute\, Washington DC)\n\n \n\nAbstract: How did we get ourselves into the me ss we are in? Why does everything seem to be falling apart? Why does it see m like there is no more cohesion in society? \n\nThe media\, the codes and the wiring of the channels of communication we use\, strike back at us.\n\n \n\nThe media shape our society no less than we shape the media. Fractured and splintered media use leads to decomposing societies in which different life-worlds coexist without much contact. So-called „media bubbles“ or „ec ho chambers“ are the result\, and in a vicious circle they further reinforc e and accelerate the decay. However\, being human is being a zoon politikon . We need to share common ground\, certain truths we hold to be self-eviden t. But there are two different kinds of concepts we refer to as „truths“.\n \n \n\nThe Czech-Brazilian communications philosopher Vilém Flusser develop ed an entire body of theories about the realtion between the structures of communication and the qualities of a given society shaped by these structur es. While developing his futuristic utopia in the 1980s\, he also warned of the imminent dangers of a fractioned society as a consequence of evolving media technology. That dystopian view has come true to a frightening extent . Democracy and a minimum of coherence in a society that continues to share at least a few basic beliefs can only be upheld\, if a large number of peo ple are enabled to critically deal with the media – not only with its conte nts but more importantly with the structures of communication themselves. M edia literacy is the key to the survival of Western civilization. DTEND:20221022T103000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T055504Z DTSTART:20221021T210000Z GEO:39.325383;-82.100995 LOCATION:Scripps Hall\, 111 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:IAPE Lecture by Andreas Ströhl: It's the Media\, Stupid!\,2008:EventInstance_41005444668341 URL: media_stupid END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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