BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Meetings & Conferences DESCRIPTION:Join the Ohio Chamber of Commerce and Ohio University's Voinovi ch School of Leadership and Public Service for the 2023 Impact Ohio Southea st Regional Conference on Tuesday\, November 14\, 2023. Attendees will hear first-hand from experts on current policy and political activities and hav e an opportunity to network and participate in Q&A.\n\n \n\nEvent Agenda \n \n9:00 A.M. – REGISTRATION & NETWORKING\n\n10:00 A.M. – CONFERENCE WELCOME\ n\n10:15 A.M. – PANEL: Improving Health Disparities in Appalachia\n\n11:15 A.M. – PANEL: Rural Resurgence: An Innovation Hub for Southeast Ohio\n\n12: 15 A.M. – BREAK\n\n12:30 P.M. – LUNCH: A Conversation with Ohio University President Dr. Lori Gonzalez\n\n1:30 P.M. – PANEL: Legislative Leaders Disc uss Priorities for the State and Region\n\n2:30 P.M. – CLOSING REMARKS\n\n \n\nFor more details and registration\, click here. \n\n \n\nPartners & Sp onsors: Ohio Chamber of Commerce\, Ohio University Voinovich School of Lead ership and Public Service\, Impact Ohio\, JobsOhio DTEND:20231114T193000Z DTSTAMP:20241005T042816Z DTSTART:20231114T140000Z GEO:39.324863;-82.101742 LOCATION:Baker University Center\, Ballroom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Impact Ohio Southeast Ohio Regional Conference\,2008:EventInstance_44588747313166 URL: ference_4382 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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