BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Session Description\n\n \n\nThe increasing globalization and in ternationalization of the world economy have greatly affected not only our workplace but also our personal lives by exposing us to different ideas\, c ustoms\, and cultures. Since intercultural competence promotes mutual under standing and open-mindedness\, relevant literature shows that intercultural competence has thus become a critical factor in achieving efficiency and e ffectiveness\, happiness and well-being as well as professional efficiency and effectiveness in the ever-increasing connected workplace. Intercultural competence includes a range of cognitive and behavioral skills that are cr itical for cross-cultural communication and mutual understanding. Developin g one’s intercultural competence provides the foundation for meaningful inc lusion of others and approaching integral diversity in the workplace. OU ha s always valued “mutual understanding” and open-mindedness and aimed to mak e its students and alumni become global leaders (see “OU Vision Statement”) . Aligning well with the vision\, this workshop\, via an interactive approa ch\, is designed to engage OU faculty\, staff\, and students on how one’s i ntercultural competence can be improved\, and how to avoid misunderstanding and conflicts through strategies and establish mutual understanding.\n\n \ n\nSession Outcomes\n\n \n\nAt the end of the session\, participants will b e able to …\n\nIncrease the awareness of cultural misunderstanding and conf licts\, and the negative consequences they could cause.Improve efficiency a nd effectiveness in workplace when people with various backgrounds\, experi ences\, and perspectives work together through establishing mutual understa nding and intercultural competences.Strengthen the network and climate of p romoting DEIABJ across campus.Promote AAPI awareness and reputation on camp us. \n\nSession Facilitators\n\nAAPI-LEAD board members will be the panel f or discussion. Two Vice Presidents will host the session. They are Pittaya Paladroi-Shane\, Vice President for Communication at the AAPI-LEAD\, Assoc iate Professor of Instruction\, Center for International Studies\, Athens C ampusAdonis Durado\, Vice President for Research at the AAPI-LEAD\, Assista nt Professor of Visual Communication\, Scripps College of Communication\, A thens CampusRegister here: -intercultural-competence-avoiding-cultural-misunderstanding-and-conflicts DTEND:20240322T180000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T082224Z DTSTART:20240322T160000Z LOCATION:Baker Center\, 230 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Improving Intercultural Competence: Avoiding Cultural Misunderstand ing and Conflicts\,2008:EventInstance_44561846380049 URL: ding_cultural_misunderstanding_and_conflicts END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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