BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event,Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Join Us for an Indian Cooking Tutorial!\n\nCome learn about Ind ian culture and follow along while we teach you to prepare Pani Puri (Gol G appa)\, one of India’s most beloved snack foods!\n\nCo-Hosted by Anisha Mah ima and Previn Pandey in conjunction with The Department of Asian Studies\, Center for International Studies\, and Office of Global Affairs.\n\nTo par ticipate or get access to the ingredients\, email Previn Pandey pp065518@oh for more details. We hope you can joy this exciting virtual event!\n \n \n\nIngredients\n\n6 gol gappa/puri\, available at Yamada house on reque st\n\n1 C fresh mint leaves (or mint paste)\n\n1 C fresh coriander leaves ( or coriander powder)\n\n4 fresh green chilies \n\n1-inch ginger \n\n1/3 C t amarind pulp (optional)\n\nJuice of 1 lemon \n\n11⁄2 Tsp salt \n\n1 Tbsp su gar \n\n1 Tsp dry cumin powder \n\n1⁄2 Tsp asafetida powder \n\n4 C water \ n\n1 boiled potato\, coarsely mashed \n\n1 C cooked chickpeas\n\nPaprika an d/or red chili powder (for garnish\, optional)\n\nRecommended utensils: pot ato masher\, peeler\, & large pot DTEND:20210413T003000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T044615Z DTSTART:20210412T230000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Indian Cooking Tutorial: Pani Puri (Gol Gappa)\,2008:EventInstance_36448484678564 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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