BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Art Gallery\n9/14-10/4\n\nOpening Reception 9/1 7\, 5-7pm\nMasks and Social Distancing Required\n\nGallery Hours: 12-4pm Mo nday-Saturday and Thursday 12-8pm\n\nCollege of Fine Arts student-artists i n the School of Art + Design featured in "Interlude" are: Christopher Cooke \, Jasper Dafeamekpor\, Lacy Golden Davis\, Reiker Q. Dean\, Annie Eversz\, Melanie Fisher\, Jacqueline Foss\, Mia Johnson\, Haley Kean\, Solomia Nebe sh\, Logan Reynolds\, Abigail R. Schneider\, and Grace Worley. DTEND:20210914T200000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T114222Z DTSTART:20210914T160000Z LOCATION:Ohio University Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Interlude: Second Year Graduate Show\,2008:EventInstance_37820906977801 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Art Gallery\n9/14-10/4\n\nOpening Reception 9/1 7\, 5-7pm\nMasks and Social Distancing Required\n\nGallery Hours: 12-4pm Mo nday-Saturday and Thursday 12-8pm\n\nCollege of Fine Arts student-artists i n the School of Art + Design featured in "Interlude" are: Christopher Cooke \, Jasper Dafeamekpor\, Lacy Golden Davis\, Reiker Q. Dean\, Annie Eversz\, Melanie Fisher\, Jacqueline Foss\, Mia Johnson\, Haley Kean\, Solomia Nebe sh\, Logan Reynolds\, Abigail R. Schneider\, and Grace Worley. DTEND:20210915T200000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T114222Z DTSTART:20210915T160000Z LOCATION:Ohio University Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Interlude: Second Year Graduate Show\,2008:EventInstance_37820906979850 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Art Gallery\n9/14-10/4\n\nOpening Reception 9/1 7\, 5-7pm\nMasks and Social Distancing Required\n\nGallery Hours: 12-4pm Mo nday-Saturday and Thursday 12-8pm\n\nCollege of Fine Arts student-artists i n the School of Art + Design featured in "Interlude" are: Christopher Cooke \, Jasper Dafeamekpor\, Lacy Golden Davis\, Reiker Q. Dean\, Annie Eversz\, Melanie Fisher\, Jacqueline Foss\, Mia Johnson\, Haley Kean\, Solomia Nebe sh\, Logan Reynolds\, Abigail R. Schneider\, and Grace Worley. DTEND:20210917T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T114222Z DTSTART:20210916T160000Z LOCATION:Ohio University Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Interlude: Second Year Graduate Show\,2008:EventInstance_37820906981899 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Art Gallery\n9/14-10/4\n\nOpening Reception 9/1 7\, 5-7pm\nMasks and Social Distancing Required\n\nGallery Hours: 12-4pm Mo nday-Saturday and Thursday 12-8pm\n\nCollege of Fine Arts student-artists i n the School of Art + Design featured in "Interlude" are: Christopher Cooke \, Jasper Dafeamekpor\, Lacy Golden Davis\, Reiker Q. Dean\, Annie Eversz\, Melanie Fisher\, Jacqueline Foss\, Mia Johnson\, Haley Kean\, Solomia Nebe sh\, Logan Reynolds\, Abigail R. Schneider\, and Grace Worley. DTEND:20210917T200000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T114222Z DTSTART:20210917T160000Z LOCATION:Ohio University Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Interlude: Second Year Graduate Show\,2008:EventInstance_37820906983948 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Art Gallery\n9/14-10/4\n\nOpening Reception 9/1 7\, 5-7pm\nMasks and Social Distancing Required\n\nGallery Hours: 12-4pm Mo nday-Saturday and Thursday 12-8pm\n\nCollege of Fine Arts student-artists i n the School of Art + Design featured in "Interlude" are: Christopher Cooke \, Jasper Dafeamekpor\, Lacy Golden Davis\, Reiker Q. Dean\, Annie Eversz\, Melanie Fisher\, Jacqueline Foss\, Mia Johnson\, Haley Kean\, Solomia Nebe sh\, Logan Reynolds\, Abigail R. Schneider\, and Grace Worley. DTEND:20210918T200000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T114222Z DTSTART:20210918T160000Z LOCATION:Ohio University Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Interlude: Second Year Graduate Show\,2008:EventInstance_37820906985997 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Art Gallery\n9/14-10/4\n\nOpening Reception 9/1 7\, 5-7pm\nMasks and Social Distancing Required\n\nGallery Hours: 12-4pm Mo nday-Saturday and Thursday 12-8pm\n\nCollege of Fine Arts student-artists i n the School of Art + Design featured in "Interlude" are: Christopher Cooke \, Jasper Dafeamekpor\, Lacy Golden Davis\, Reiker Q. Dean\, Annie Eversz\, Melanie Fisher\, Jacqueline Foss\, Mia Johnson\, Haley Kean\, Solomia Nebe sh\, Logan Reynolds\, Abigail R. Schneider\, and Grace Worley. DTEND:20210919T200000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T114222Z DTSTART:20210919T160000Z LOCATION:Ohio University Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Interlude: Second Year Graduate Show\,2008:EventInstance_37820906988046 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Art Gallery\n9/14-10/4\n\nOpening Reception 9/1 7\, 5-7pm\nMasks and Social Distancing Required\n\nGallery Hours: 12-4pm Mo nday-Saturday and Thursday 12-8pm\n\nCollege of Fine Arts student-artists i n the School of Art + Design featured in "Interlude" are: Christopher Cooke \, Jasper Dafeamekpor\, Lacy Golden Davis\, Reiker Q. Dean\, Annie Eversz\, Melanie Fisher\, Jacqueline Foss\, Mia Johnson\, Haley Kean\, Solomia Nebe sh\, Logan Reynolds\, Abigail R. Schneider\, and Grace Worley. DTEND:20210920T200000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T114222Z DTSTART:20210920T160000Z LOCATION:Ohio University Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Interlude: Second Year Graduate Show\,2008:EventInstance_37820906989071 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Art Gallery\n9/14-10/4\n\nOpening Reception 9/1 7\, 5-7pm\nMasks and Social Distancing Required\n\nGallery Hours: 12-4pm Mo nday-Saturday and Thursday 12-8pm\n\nCollege of Fine Arts student-artists i n the School of Art + Design featured in "Interlude" are: Christopher Cooke \, Jasper Dafeamekpor\, Lacy Golden Davis\, Reiker Q. Dean\, Annie Eversz\, Melanie Fisher\, Jacqueline Foss\, Mia Johnson\, Haley Kean\, Solomia Nebe sh\, Logan Reynolds\, Abigail R. Schneider\, and Grace Worley. DTEND:20210921T200000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T114222Z DTSTART:20210921T160000Z LOCATION:Ohio University Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Interlude: Second Year Graduate Show\,2008:EventInstance_37820906991120 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Art Gallery\n9/14-10/4\n\nOpening Reception 9/1 7\, 5-7pm\nMasks and Social Distancing Required\n\nGallery Hours: 12-4pm Mo nday-Saturday and Thursday 12-8pm\n\nCollege of Fine Arts student-artists i n the School of Art + Design featured in "Interlude" are: Christopher Cooke \, Jasper Dafeamekpor\, Lacy Golden Davis\, Reiker Q. Dean\, Annie Eversz\, Melanie Fisher\, Jacqueline Foss\, Mia Johnson\, Haley Kean\, Solomia Nebe sh\, Logan Reynolds\, Abigail R. Schneider\, and Grace Worley. DTEND:20210922T200000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T114222Z DTSTART:20210922T160000Z LOCATION:Ohio University Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Interlude: Second Year Graduate Show\,2008:EventInstance_37820906992145 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Art Gallery\n9/14-10/4\n\nOpening Reception 9/1 7\, 5-7pm\nMasks and Social Distancing Required\n\nGallery Hours: 12-4pm Mo nday-Saturday and Thursday 12-8pm\n\nCollege of Fine Arts student-artists i n the School of Art + Design featured in "Interlude" are: Christopher Cooke \, Jasper Dafeamekpor\, Lacy Golden Davis\, Reiker Q. Dean\, Annie Eversz\, Melanie Fisher\, Jacqueline Foss\, Mia Johnson\, Haley Kean\, Solomia Nebe sh\, Logan Reynolds\, Abigail R. Schneider\, and Grace Worley. DTEND:20210924T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T114222Z DTSTART:20210923T160000Z LOCATION:Ohio University Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Interlude: Second Year Graduate Show\,2008:EventInstance_37820906994194 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Art Gallery\n9/14-10/4\n\nOpening Reception 9/1 7\, 5-7pm\nMasks and Social Distancing Required\n\nGallery Hours: 12-4pm Mo nday-Saturday and Thursday 12-8pm\n\nCollege of Fine Arts student-artists i n the School of Art + Design featured in "Interlude" are: Christopher Cooke \, Jasper Dafeamekpor\, Lacy Golden Davis\, Reiker Q. Dean\, Annie Eversz\, Melanie Fisher\, Jacqueline Foss\, Mia Johnson\, Haley Kean\, Solomia Nebe sh\, Logan Reynolds\, Abigail R. Schneider\, and Grace Worley. DTEND:20210924T200000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T114222Z DTSTART:20210924T160000Z LOCATION:Ohio University Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Interlude: Second Year Graduate Show\,2008:EventInstance_37820906996243 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Art Gallery\n9/14-10/4\n\nOpening Reception 9/1 7\, 5-7pm\nMasks and Social Distancing Required\n\nGallery Hours: 12-4pm Mo nday-Saturday and Thursday 12-8pm\n\nCollege of Fine Arts student-artists i n the School of Art + Design featured in "Interlude" are: Christopher Cooke \, Jasper Dafeamekpor\, Lacy Golden Davis\, Reiker Q. Dean\, Annie Eversz\, Melanie Fisher\, Jacqueline Foss\, Mia Johnson\, Haley Kean\, Solomia Nebe sh\, Logan Reynolds\, Abigail R. Schneider\, and Grace Worley. DTEND:20210925T200000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T114222Z DTSTART:20210925T160000Z LOCATION:Ohio University Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Interlude: Second Year Graduate Show\,2008:EventInstance_37820906999316 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Art Gallery\n9/14-10/4\n\nOpening Reception 9/1 7\, 5-7pm\nMasks and Social Distancing Required\n\nGallery Hours: 12-4pm Mo nday-Saturday and Thursday 12-8pm\n\nCollege of Fine Arts student-artists i n the School of Art + Design featured in "Interlude" are: Christopher Cooke \, Jasper Dafeamekpor\, Lacy Golden Davis\, Reiker Q. Dean\, Annie Eversz\, Melanie Fisher\, Jacqueline Foss\, Mia Johnson\, Haley Kean\, Solomia Nebe sh\, Logan Reynolds\, Abigail R. Schneider\, and Grace Worley. DTEND:20210926T200000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T114222Z DTSTART:20210926T160000Z LOCATION:Ohio University Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Interlude: Second Year Graduate Show\,2008:EventInstance_37820907000341 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Art Gallery\n9/14-10/4\n\nOpening Reception 9/1 7\, 5-7pm\nMasks and Social Distancing Required\n\nGallery Hours: 12-4pm Mo nday-Saturday and Thursday 12-8pm\n\nCollege of Fine Arts student-artists i n the School of Art + Design featured in "Interlude" are: Christopher Cooke \, Jasper Dafeamekpor\, Lacy Golden Davis\, Reiker Q. Dean\, Annie Eversz\, Melanie Fisher\, Jacqueline Foss\, Mia Johnson\, Haley Kean\, Solomia Nebe sh\, Logan Reynolds\, Abigail R. Schneider\, and Grace Worley. DTEND:20210927T200000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T114222Z DTSTART:20210927T160000Z LOCATION:Ohio University Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Interlude: Second Year Graduate Show\,2008:EventInstance_37820907002390 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Art Gallery\n9/14-10/4\n\nOpening Reception 9/1 7\, 5-7pm\nMasks and Social Distancing Required\n\nGallery Hours: 12-4pm Mo nday-Saturday and Thursday 12-8pm\n\nCollege of Fine Arts student-artists i n the School of Art + Design featured in "Interlude" are: Christopher Cooke \, Jasper Dafeamekpor\, Lacy Golden Davis\, Reiker Q. Dean\, Annie Eversz\, Melanie Fisher\, Jacqueline Foss\, Mia Johnson\, Haley Kean\, Solomia Nebe sh\, Logan Reynolds\, Abigail R. Schneider\, and Grace Worley. DTEND:20210928T200000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T114222Z DTSTART:20210928T160000Z LOCATION:Ohio University Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Interlude: Second Year Graduate Show\,2008:EventInstance_37820907003415 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Art Gallery\n9/14-10/4\n\nOpening Reception 9/1 7\, 5-7pm\nMasks and Social Distancing Required\n\nGallery Hours: 12-4pm Mo nday-Saturday and Thursday 12-8pm\n\nCollege of Fine Arts student-artists i n the School of Art + Design featured in "Interlude" are: Christopher Cooke \, Jasper Dafeamekpor\, Lacy Golden Davis\, Reiker Q. Dean\, Annie Eversz\, Melanie Fisher\, Jacqueline Foss\, Mia Johnson\, Haley Kean\, Solomia Nebe sh\, Logan Reynolds\, Abigail R. Schneider\, and Grace Worley. DTEND:20210929T200000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T114222Z DTSTART:20210929T160000Z LOCATION:Ohio University Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Interlude: Second Year Graduate Show\,2008:EventInstance_37820907005464 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Art Gallery\n9/14-10/4\n\nOpening Reception 9/1 7\, 5-7pm\nMasks and Social Distancing Required\n\nGallery Hours: 12-4pm Mo nday-Saturday and Thursday 12-8pm\n\nCollege of Fine Arts student-artists i n the School of Art + Design featured in "Interlude" are: Christopher Cooke \, Jasper Dafeamekpor\, Lacy Golden Davis\, Reiker Q. Dean\, Annie Eversz\, Melanie Fisher\, Jacqueline Foss\, Mia Johnson\, Haley Kean\, Solomia Nebe sh\, Logan Reynolds\, Abigail R. Schneider\, and Grace Worley. DTEND:20211001T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T114222Z DTSTART:20210930T160000Z LOCATION:Ohio University Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Interlude: Second Year Graduate Show\,2008:EventInstance_37820907007513 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Art Gallery\n9/14-10/4\n\nOpening Reception 9/1 7\, 5-7pm\nMasks and Social Distancing Required\n\nGallery Hours: 12-4pm Mo nday-Saturday and Thursday 12-8pm\n\nCollege of Fine Arts student-artists i n the School of Art + Design featured in "Interlude" are: Christopher Cooke \, Jasper Dafeamekpor\, Lacy Golden Davis\, Reiker Q. Dean\, Annie Eversz\, Melanie Fisher\, Jacqueline Foss\, Mia Johnson\, Haley Kean\, Solomia Nebe sh\, Logan Reynolds\, Abigail R. Schneider\, and Grace Worley. DTEND:20211001T200000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T114222Z DTSTART:20211001T160000Z LOCATION:Ohio University Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Interlude: Second Year Graduate Show\,2008:EventInstance_37820907008538 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Art Gallery\n9/14-10/4\n\nOpening Reception 9/1 7\, 5-7pm\nMasks and Social Distancing Required\n\nGallery Hours: 12-4pm Mo nday-Saturday and Thursday 12-8pm\n\nCollege of Fine Arts student-artists i n the School of Art + Design featured in "Interlude" are: Christopher Cooke \, Jasper Dafeamekpor\, Lacy Golden Davis\, Reiker Q. Dean\, Annie Eversz\, Melanie Fisher\, Jacqueline Foss\, Mia Johnson\, Haley Kean\, Solomia Nebe sh\, Logan Reynolds\, Abigail R. Schneider\, and Grace Worley. DTEND:20211002T200000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T114222Z DTSTART:20211002T160000Z LOCATION:Ohio University Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Interlude: Second Year Graduate Show\,2008:EventInstance_37820907010587 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Art Gallery\n9/14-10/4\n\nOpening Reception 9/1 7\, 5-7pm\nMasks and Social Distancing Required\n\nGallery Hours: 12-4pm Mo nday-Saturday and Thursday 12-8pm\n\nCollege of Fine Arts student-artists i n the School of Art + Design featured in "Interlude" are: Christopher Cooke \, Jasper Dafeamekpor\, Lacy Golden Davis\, Reiker Q. Dean\, Annie Eversz\, Melanie Fisher\, Jacqueline Foss\, Mia Johnson\, Haley Kean\, Solomia Nebe sh\, Logan Reynolds\, Abigail R. Schneider\, and Grace Worley. DTEND:20211003T200000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T114222Z DTSTART:20211003T160000Z LOCATION:Ohio University Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Interlude: Second Year Graduate Show\,2008:EventInstance_37820907011612 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Ohio University Art Gallery\n9/14-10/4\n\nOpening Reception 9/1 7\, 5-7pm\nMasks and Social Distancing Required\n\nGallery Hours: 12-4pm Mo nday-Saturday and Thursday 12-8pm\n\nCollege of Fine Arts student-artists i n the School of Art + Design featured in "Interlude" are: Christopher Cooke \, Jasper Dafeamekpor\, Lacy Golden Davis\, Reiker Q. Dean\, Annie Eversz\, Melanie Fisher\, Jacqueline Foss\, Mia Johnson\, Haley Kean\, Solomia Nebe sh\, Logan Reynolds\, Abigail R. Schneider\, and Grace Worley. DTEND:20211004T200000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T114222Z DTSTART:20211004T160000Z LOCATION:Ohio University Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Interlude: Second Year Graduate Show\,2008:EventInstance_37820907013661 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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