BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Sporting Events,Intramural,Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Registration for Spring 2 Intramural Sports Leagues is open! Th e season will begin March 20. Sports offered will be 4v4 flag football (Mil l St. Intramural Sports Fields)\, 11v11 soccer (Mill St. Intramural Sports Fields)\, 4v4 sand volleyball (South Green Sand Courts)\, floor hockey (Pin g Center) and tennis (GTC).\n\n \n\nTeams typically play over the course of five weeks with games taking place Thursday-Sunday evenings. \n\n \n\nRegi stration for all leagues closes Wednesday\, March 8. \n\n \n\nRegistration requires an active IM Pass. Visit to purchase a pass\, complete registration and find additional information. DTSTAMP:20241123T000554Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230302 LOCATION:Location Varies SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Intramural Sports Leagues - Spring 2\,2008:EventInstance_41341947608688 URL: 57 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Sporting Events,Intramural,Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Registration for Spring 2 Intramural Sports Leagues is open! Th e season will begin March 20. Sports offered will be 4v4 flag football (Mil l St. Intramural Sports Fields)\, 11v11 soccer (Mill St. Intramural Sports Fields)\, 4v4 sand volleyball (South Green Sand Courts)\, floor hockey (Pin g Center) and tennis (GTC).\n\n \n\nTeams typically play over the course of five weeks with games taking place Thursday-Sunday evenings. \n\n \n\nRegi stration for all leagues closes Wednesday\, March 8. \n\n \n\nRegistration requires an active IM Pass. Visit to purchase a pass\, complete registration and find additional information. DTSTAMP:20241123T000554Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230303 LOCATION:Location Varies SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Intramural Sports Leagues - Spring 2\,2008:EventInstance_41341947610737 URL: 57 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Sporting Events,Intramural,Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Registration for Spring 2 Intramural Sports Leagues is open! Th e season will begin March 20. Sports offered will be 4v4 flag football (Mil l St. Intramural Sports Fields)\, 11v11 soccer (Mill St. Intramural Sports Fields)\, 4v4 sand volleyball (South Green Sand Courts)\, floor hockey (Pin g Center) and tennis (GTC).\n\n \n\nTeams typically play over the course of five weeks with games taking place Thursday-Sunday evenings. \n\n \n\nRegi stration for all leagues closes Wednesday\, March 8. \n\n \n\nRegistration requires an active IM Pass. Visit to purchase a pass\, complete registration and find additional information. DTSTAMP:20241123T000554Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230304 LOCATION:Location Varies SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Intramural Sports Leagues - Spring 2\,2008:EventInstance_41341947611762 URL: 57 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Sporting Events,Intramural,Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Registration for Spring 2 Intramural Sports Leagues is open! Th e season will begin March 20. Sports offered will be 4v4 flag football (Mil l St. Intramural Sports Fields)\, 11v11 soccer (Mill St. Intramural Sports Fields)\, 4v4 sand volleyball (South Green Sand Courts)\, floor hockey (Pin g Center) and tennis (GTC).\n\n \n\nTeams typically play over the course of five weeks with games taking place Thursday-Sunday evenings. \n\n \n\nRegi stration for all leagues closes Wednesday\, March 8. \n\n \n\nRegistration requires an active IM Pass. Visit to purchase a pass\, complete registration and find additional information. DTSTAMP:20241123T000554Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230305 LOCATION:Location Varies SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Intramural Sports Leagues - Spring 2\,2008:EventInstance_41341947613811 URL: 57 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Sporting Events,Intramural,Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Registration for Spring 2 Intramural Sports Leagues is open! Th e season will begin March 20. Sports offered will be 4v4 flag football (Mil l St. Intramural Sports Fields)\, 11v11 soccer (Mill St. Intramural Sports Fields)\, 4v4 sand volleyball (South Green Sand Courts)\, floor hockey (Pin g Center) and tennis (GTC).\n\n \n\nTeams typically play over the course of five weeks with games taking place Thursday-Sunday evenings. \n\n \n\nRegi stration for all leagues closes Wednesday\, March 8. \n\n \n\nRegistration requires an active IM Pass. Visit to purchase a pass\, complete registration and find additional information. DTSTAMP:20241123T000554Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230306 LOCATION:Location Varies SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Intramural Sports Leagues - Spring 2\,2008:EventInstance_41341947615860 URL: 57 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Sporting Events,Intramural,Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Registration for Spring 2 Intramural Sports Leagues is open! Th e season will begin March 20. Sports offered will be 4v4 flag football (Mil l St. Intramural Sports Fields)\, 11v11 soccer (Mill St. Intramural Sports Fields)\, 4v4 sand volleyball (South Green Sand Courts)\, floor hockey (Pin g Center) and tennis (GTC).\n\n \n\nTeams typically play over the course of five weeks with games taking place Thursday-Sunday evenings. \n\n \n\nRegi stration for all leagues closes Wednesday\, March 8. \n\n \n\nRegistration requires an active IM Pass. Visit to purchase a pass\, complete registration and find additional information. DTSTAMP:20241123T000554Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230307 LOCATION:Location Varies SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Intramural Sports Leagues - Spring 2\,2008:EventInstance_41341947616885 URL: 57 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Sporting Events,Intramural,Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:Registration for Spring 2 Intramural Sports Leagues is open! Th e season will begin March 20. Sports offered will be 4v4 flag football (Mil l St. Intramural Sports Fields)\, 11v11 soccer (Mill St. Intramural Sports Fields)\, 4v4 sand volleyball (South Green Sand Courts)\, floor hockey (Pin g Center) and tennis (GTC).\n\n \n\nTeams typically play over the course of five weeks with games taking place Thursday-Sunday evenings. \n\n \n\nRegi stration for all leagues closes Wednesday\, March 8. \n\n \n\nRegistration requires an active IM Pass. Visit to purchase a pass\, complete registration and find additional information. DTSTAMP:20241123T000554Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230308 LOCATION:Location Varies SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Intramural Sports Leagues - Spring 2\,2008:EventInstance_41341947617910 URL: 57 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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