BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:It's a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play Auditions\nBy Joe Land ry\n\n \n\nRegister at:\n\n \n\nAuditions Dates/Time :\nFriday\, August 19 | 6:30PM\nSaturday\, August 20 | 11:30AM\n\n \n\nLoca tion:\nWagner Theatre | OHIO Lancaster\n1570 Granville Pike\nLancaster\, OH \n\n \n\nQualification:\nAs many as 25 parts are available. Auditions for c hildren (age 7 and over) and adults are needed.\n\n \n\nAbout:\nThree local theatre groups are collaborating! Ohio University Lancaster Theatre\, The Lancaster Playhouse\, and Garret Players are joining forces to produce It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play.\n\n \n\nDetails: Auditions will inclu de cold readings from the script. Scripts can be reviewed at the Ohio Unive rsity Lancaster Library and at the main branch of the Fairfield County Dist rict Library.\n\nThere is some music in the show. If interested in a singin g role\, come prepared to sing your favorite commercial jingle. If you are not a singer\, don't worry. There are plenty of non-singing roles available .\n\n \n\nLike a traditional radio play\, It’s A Wonderful Life can be perf ormed with script in hand.\n\nIf you must leave early or arrive late\, plea se let us know.\n\n \n\nQuestions/Concerns:\ n740-407-2784 (leave a message)\n\n \n\nA cast meet and greet and script di stribution will be held ASAP once the show is cast.\n\n \n\nPerformance Dat es:\n\nDecember 1\, 2 & 3 | 7 pm\nDecember 3 | 2 pm\n\n \n\nIt’s a Wonderfu l Life: A Live Radio Play is produced by special arrangement with Playscrip ts\, Inc. ( DTEND:20220819T233000Z DTSTAMP:20241005T224733Z DTSTART:20220819T223000Z GEO:39.738676;-82.586367 LOCATION:OHIO Lancaster SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:It's A Wonderful Life | Open Auditions\,2008:EventInstance_40808842506875 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Networking & Social Event DESCRIPTION:It's a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play Auditions\nBy Joe Land ry\n\n \n\nRegister at:\n\n \n\nAuditions Dates/Time :\nFriday\, August 19 | 6:30PM\nSaturday\, August 20 | 11:30AM\n\n \n\nLoca tion:\nWagner Theatre | OHIO Lancaster\n1570 Granville Pike\nLancaster\, OH \n\n \n\nQualification:\nAs many as 25 parts are available. Auditions for c hildren (age 7 and over) and adults are needed.\n\n \n\nAbout:\nThree local theatre groups are collaborating! Ohio University Lancaster Theatre\, The Lancaster Playhouse\, and Garret Players are joining forces to produce It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play.\n\n \n\nDetails: Auditions will inclu de cold readings from the script. Scripts can be reviewed at the Ohio Unive rsity Lancaster Library and at the main branch of the Fairfield County Dist rict Library.\n\nThere is some music in the show. If interested in a singin g role\, come prepared to sing your favorite commercial jingle. If you are not a singer\, don't worry. There are plenty of non-singing roles available .\n\n \n\nLike a traditional radio play\, It’s A Wonderful Life can be perf ormed with script in hand.\n\nIf you must leave early or arrive late\, plea se let us know.\n\n \n\nQuestions/Concerns:\ n740-407-2784 (leave a message)\n\n \n\nA cast meet and greet and script di stribution will be held ASAP once the show is cast.\n\n \n\nPerformance Dat es:\n\nDecember 1\, 2 & 3 | 7 pm\nDecember 3 | 2 pm\n\n \n\nIt’s a Wonderfu l Life: A Live Radio Play is produced by special arrangement with Playscrip ts\, Inc. ( DTEND:20220820T163000Z DTSTAMP:20241005T224733Z DTSTART:20220820T153000Z GEO:39.738676;-82.586367 LOCATION:OHIO Lancaster SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:It's A Wonderful Life | Open Auditions\,2008:EventInstance_40808842508924 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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