BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220422T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002458Z DTSTART:20220422T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933357395 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220423T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002458Z DTSTART:20220423T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957402827 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220424T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002458Z DTSTART:20220424T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957403852 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220425T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002458Z DTSTART:20220425T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933360468 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220426T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002458Z DTSTART:20220426T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933362517 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220427T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220427T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933364566 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220429T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220428T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933366615 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220428T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220428T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933369688 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220429T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220429T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933371737 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220430T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220430T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957405901 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220501T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220501T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957407950 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220502T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220502T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933374810 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220503T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220503T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933376859 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220504T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220504T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933378908 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220506T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220505T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933381981 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220505T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220505T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933384030 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220506T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220506T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933387103 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220507T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220507T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957409999 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220508T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220508T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957411024 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220509T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220509T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933389152 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220510T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220510T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933391201 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220511T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220511T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933393250 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220513T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220512T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933396323 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220512T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220512T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933398372 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220513T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220513T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933401445 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220514T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220514T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957413073 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220515T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220515T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957415122 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220516T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220516T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933403494 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220517T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220517T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933406567 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220518T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220518T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933408616 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220520T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220519T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933410665 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220519T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220519T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933412714 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220520T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220520T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933414763 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220521T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220521T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957417171 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220522T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220522T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957418196 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220523T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220523T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933417836 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220524T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220524T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933419885 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220525T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220525T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933421934 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220527T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220526T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933425007 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220526T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220526T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933427056 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220527T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220527T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933429105 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220528T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220528T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957420245 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220529T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220529T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957422294 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220530T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220530T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933431154 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220531T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220531T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933433203 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220601T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220601T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933436276 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220603T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220602T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933438325 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220602T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220602T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933442422 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220603T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220603T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933445495 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220604T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220604T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957424343 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220605T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220605T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957426392 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220606T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220606T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933448568 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220607T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220607T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933450617 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220608T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220608T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933453690 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220610T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220609T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933455739 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220609T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220609T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933457788 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220610T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220610T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933459837 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220611T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220611T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957428441 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220612T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220612T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957431514 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220613T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220613T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933462910 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220614T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220614T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933464959 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220615T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220615T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933467008 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220617T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220616T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933469057 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220616T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220616T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933471106 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220617T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220617T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933473155 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220618T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220618T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957433563 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220619T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220619T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957435612 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220620T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220620T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933475204 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220621T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220621T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933478277 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220622T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220622T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933481350 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220624T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220623T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933483399 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220623T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220623T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933485448 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220624T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220624T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933488521 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220625T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220625T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957437661 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220626T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220626T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957439710 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220627T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220627T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933490570 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220628T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220628T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933492619 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220629T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220629T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933494668 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220701T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220630T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933496717 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220630T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220630T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933498766 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220701T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220701T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933501839 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220702T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220702T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957442783 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220703T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220703T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957444832 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220704T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220704T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933503888 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220705T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220705T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933505937 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220706T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220706T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933509010 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220708T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220707T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933511059 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220707T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220707T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933513108 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220708T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220708T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933516181 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220709T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220709T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957445857 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220710T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220710T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957447906 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220711T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220711T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933518230 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220712T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220712T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933520279 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220713T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220713T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933522328 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220715T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220714T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933524377 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220714T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220714T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933527450 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220715T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220715T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933529499 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220716T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220716T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957449955 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220717T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220717T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957452004 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220718T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220718T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933531548 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220719T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220719T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933533597 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220720T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220720T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933535646 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220722T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220721T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933537695 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220721T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220721T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933539744 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220722T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220722T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933541793 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220723T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220723T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957453029 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220724T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220724T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957455078 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220725T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220725T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933545890 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220726T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220726T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933547939 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220727T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220727T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933549988 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220729T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002459Z DTSTART:20220728T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933552037 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220728T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220728T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933554086 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220729T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220729T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933556135 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220730T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220730T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957457127 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220731T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220731T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957459176 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220801T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220801T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933558184 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220802T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220802T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933561257 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220803T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220803T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933563306 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220805T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220804T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933565355 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220804T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220804T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933568428 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220805T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220805T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933570477 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220806T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220806T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957460201 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220807T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220807T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957462250 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220808T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220808T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933572526 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220809T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220809T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933574575 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220810T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220810T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933576624 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220812T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220811T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933578673 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220811T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220811T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933580722 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220812T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220812T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933582771 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220813T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220813T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957464299 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220814T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220814T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957465324 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220815T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220815T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933584820 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220816T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220816T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933586869 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220817T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220817T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933589942 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220819T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220818T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933591991 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220818T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220818T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933594040 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220819T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220819T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933596089 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220820T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220820T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957467373 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220821T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220821T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957469422 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220822T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220822T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933599162 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220823T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220823T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933601211 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220824T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220824T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933603260 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220826T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220825T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933605309 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220825T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220825T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933607358 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220826T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220826T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933610431 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220827T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220827T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957471471 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220828T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220828T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957472496 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220829T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220829T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933613504 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220830T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220830T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933615553 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220831T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220831T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933619650 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220902T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220901T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933621699 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220901T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220901T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933624772 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220902T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220902T140000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703933626821 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220903T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220903T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957474545 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Connections\, Remembered is an exhibition researched and produc ed by students enrolled in the Museum Studies Certificate Program. \n\n \n\ nOpening reception is Friday April 22\, 2022 from 5:3-7:30 PM at the Kenned y Museum of Art.\n\n \n\nFor more about the Kennedy Museum of Art and to pl an your visit\, click here. DTEND:20220904T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T002500Z DTSTART:20220904T170000Z GEO:39.320336;-82.109298 LOCATION:Kennedy Museum of Art SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Kennedy Museum of Art presents: Merging Concepts VIII: Connections\ , Remembered\,2008:EventInstance_39703957476594 URL: concepts_viii_connections_remembered END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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