BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:The Scripps College of Communication's School of Visual Communi cation is proud to announce a special exhibit by current Knight Fellows\, S ankha Kar and Francine Orr\, in the VisCom Focus Gallery.\n\n\nThe Knight F ellowship is a competitive opportunity offered to mid-career professionals to earn a master’s degree from the School of Visual Communication at Ohio U niversity. This year\, VisCom is excited to have two Knight Fellows for the first time.\n\n \n\nSankha Kar and Francine Orr are both seasoned photojou rnalists. Orr having worked for the LA Times and Kar for Gulf News\, the la rgest newspaper in the Middle East. Their exhibit will showcase compelling photojournalistic works that reflect their extensive experience and unique perspectives.\n\n \n\nThe Knight Fellows Exhibit will run from Jan. 22-Feb. 14\, 2025.\n\n\nThe VisCom Focus Gallery is located on the first floor of Schoonover Center and is open Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hours a re sometimes extended to accommodate special events. Admission is FREE! DTEND:20250122T220000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T152217Z DTSTART:20250122T130000Z GEO:39.327748;-82.100322 LOCATION:Schoonover Center\, Viscom Focus Gallery\, Room 140 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Knight Fellows Exhibit\,2008:EventInstance_48002984494391 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:The Scripps College of Communication's School of Visual Communi cation is proud to announce a special exhibit by current Knight Fellows\, S ankha Kar and Francine Orr\, in the VisCom Focus Gallery.\n\n\nThe Knight F ellowship is a competitive opportunity offered to mid-career professionals to earn a master’s degree from the School of Visual Communication at Ohio U niversity. This year\, VisCom is excited to have two Knight Fellows for the first time.\n\n \n\nSankha Kar and Francine Orr are both seasoned photojou rnalists. Orr having worked for the LA Times and Kar for Gulf News\, the la rgest newspaper in the Middle East. Their exhibit will showcase compelling photojournalistic works that reflect their extensive experience and unique perspectives.\n\n \n\nThe Knight Fellows Exhibit will run from Jan. 22-Feb. 14\, 2025.\n\n\nThe VisCom Focus Gallery is located on the first floor of Schoonover Center and is open Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hours a re sometimes extended to accommodate special events. Admission is FREE! DTEND:20250123T220000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T152217Z DTSTART:20250123T130000Z GEO:39.327748;-82.100322 LOCATION:Schoonover Center\, Viscom Focus Gallery\, Room 140 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Knight Fellows Exhibit\,2008:EventInstance_48002984496440 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:The Scripps College of Communication's School of Visual Communi cation is proud to announce a special exhibit by current Knight Fellows\, S ankha Kar and Francine Orr\, in the VisCom Focus Gallery.\n\n\nThe Knight F ellowship is a competitive opportunity offered to mid-career professionals to earn a master’s degree from the School of Visual Communication at Ohio U niversity. This year\, VisCom is excited to have two Knight Fellows for the first time.\n\n \n\nSankha Kar and Francine Orr are both seasoned photojou rnalists. Orr having worked for the LA Times and Kar for Gulf News\, the la rgest newspaper in the Middle East. Their exhibit will showcase compelling photojournalistic works that reflect their extensive experience and unique perspectives.\n\n \n\nThe Knight Fellows Exhibit will run from Jan. 22-Feb. 14\, 2025.\n\n\nThe VisCom Focus Gallery is located on the first floor of Schoonover Center and is open Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hours a re sometimes extended to accommodate special events. Admission is FREE! DTEND:20250124T220000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T152217Z DTSTART:20250124T130000Z GEO:39.327748;-82.100322 LOCATION:Schoonover Center\, Viscom Focus Gallery\, Room 140 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Knight Fellows Exhibit\,2008:EventInstance_48002984497465 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:The Scripps College of Communication's School of Visual Communi cation is proud to announce a special exhibit by current Knight Fellows\, S ankha Kar and Francine Orr\, in the VisCom Focus Gallery.\n\n\nThe Knight F ellowship is a competitive opportunity offered to mid-career professionals to earn a master’s degree from the School of Visual Communication at Ohio U niversity. This year\, VisCom is excited to have two Knight Fellows for the first time.\n\n \n\nSankha Kar and Francine Orr are both seasoned photojou rnalists. Orr having worked for the LA Times and Kar for Gulf News\, the la rgest newspaper in the Middle East. Their exhibit will showcase compelling photojournalistic works that reflect their extensive experience and unique perspectives.\n\n \n\nThe Knight Fellows Exhibit will run from Jan. 22-Feb. 14\, 2025.\n\n\nThe VisCom Focus Gallery is located on the first floor of Schoonover Center and is open Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hours a re sometimes extended to accommodate special events. Admission is FREE! DTEND:20250127T220000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T152217Z DTSTART:20250127T130000Z GEO:39.327748;-82.100322 LOCATION:Schoonover Center\, Viscom Focus Gallery\, Room 140 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Knight Fellows Exhibit\,2008:EventInstance_48002984499514 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:The Scripps College of Communication's School of Visual Communi cation is proud to announce a special exhibit by current Knight Fellows\, S ankha Kar and Francine Orr\, in the VisCom Focus Gallery.\n\n\nThe Knight F ellowship is a competitive opportunity offered to mid-career professionals to earn a master’s degree from the School of Visual Communication at Ohio U niversity. This year\, VisCom is excited to have two Knight Fellows for the first time.\n\n \n\nSankha Kar and Francine Orr are both seasoned photojou rnalists. Orr having worked for the LA Times and Kar for Gulf News\, the la rgest newspaper in the Middle East. Their exhibit will showcase compelling photojournalistic works that reflect their extensive experience and unique perspectives.\n\n \n\nThe Knight Fellows Exhibit will run from Jan. 22-Feb. 14\, 2025.\n\n\nThe VisCom Focus Gallery is located on the first floor of Schoonover Center and is open Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hours a re sometimes extended to accommodate special events. Admission is FREE! DTEND:20250128T220000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T152217Z DTSTART:20250128T130000Z GEO:39.327748;-82.100322 LOCATION:Schoonover Center\, Viscom Focus Gallery\, Room 140 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Knight Fellows Exhibit\,2008:EventInstance_48002984500539 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:The Scripps College of Communication's School of Visual Communi cation is proud to announce a special exhibit by current Knight Fellows\, S ankha Kar and Francine Orr\, in the VisCom Focus Gallery.\n\n\nThe Knight F ellowship is a competitive opportunity offered to mid-career professionals to earn a master’s degree from the School of Visual Communication at Ohio U niversity. This year\, VisCom is excited to have two Knight Fellows for the first time.\n\n \n\nSankha Kar and Francine Orr are both seasoned photojou rnalists. Orr having worked for the LA Times and Kar for Gulf News\, the la rgest newspaper in the Middle East. Their exhibit will showcase compelling photojournalistic works that reflect their extensive experience and unique perspectives.\n\n \n\nThe Knight Fellows Exhibit will run from Jan. 22-Feb. 14\, 2025.\n\n\nThe VisCom Focus Gallery is located on the first floor of Schoonover Center and is open Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hours a re sometimes extended to accommodate special events. Admission is FREE! DTEND:20250129T220000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T152217Z DTSTART:20250129T130000Z GEO:39.327748;-82.100322 LOCATION:Schoonover Center\, Viscom Focus Gallery\, Room 140 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Knight Fellows Exhibit\,2008:EventInstance_48002984502588 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:The Scripps College of Communication's School of Visual Communi cation is proud to announce a special exhibit by current Knight Fellows\, S ankha Kar and Francine Orr\, in the VisCom Focus Gallery.\n\n\nThe Knight F ellowship is a competitive opportunity offered to mid-career professionals to earn a master’s degree from the School of Visual Communication at Ohio U niversity. This year\, VisCom is excited to have two Knight Fellows for the first time.\n\n \n\nSankha Kar and Francine Orr are both seasoned photojou rnalists. Orr having worked for the LA Times and Kar for Gulf News\, the la rgest newspaper in the Middle East. Their exhibit will showcase compelling photojournalistic works that reflect their extensive experience and unique perspectives.\n\n \n\nThe Knight Fellows Exhibit will run from Jan. 22-Feb. 14\, 2025.\n\n\nThe VisCom Focus Gallery is located on the first floor of Schoonover Center and is open Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hours a re sometimes extended to accommodate special events. Admission is FREE! DTEND:20250130T220000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T152217Z DTSTART:20250130T130000Z GEO:39.327748;-82.100322 LOCATION:Schoonover Center\, Viscom Focus Gallery\, Room 140 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Knight Fellows Exhibit\,2008:EventInstance_48002984503613 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:The Scripps College of Communication's School of Visual Communi cation is proud to announce a special exhibit by current Knight Fellows\, S ankha Kar and Francine Orr\, in the VisCom Focus Gallery.\n\n\nThe Knight F ellowship is a competitive opportunity offered to mid-career professionals to earn a master’s degree from the School of Visual Communication at Ohio U niversity. This year\, VisCom is excited to have two Knight Fellows for the first time.\n\n \n\nSankha Kar and Francine Orr are both seasoned photojou rnalists. Orr having worked for the LA Times and Kar for Gulf News\, the la rgest newspaper in the Middle East. Their exhibit will showcase compelling photojournalistic works that reflect their extensive experience and unique perspectives.\n\n \n\nThe Knight Fellows Exhibit will run from Jan. 22-Feb. 14\, 2025.\n\n\nThe VisCom Focus Gallery is located on the first floor of Schoonover Center and is open Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hours a re sometimes extended to accommodate special events. Admission is FREE! DTEND:20250131T220000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T152217Z DTSTART:20250131T130000Z GEO:39.327748;-82.100322 LOCATION:Schoonover Center\, Viscom Focus Gallery\, Room 140 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Knight Fellows Exhibit\,2008:EventInstance_48002984505662 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:The Scripps College of Communication's School of Visual Communi cation is proud to announce a special exhibit by current Knight Fellows\, S ankha Kar and Francine Orr\, in the VisCom Focus Gallery.\n\n\nThe Knight F ellowship is a competitive opportunity offered to mid-career professionals to earn a master’s degree from the School of Visual Communication at Ohio U niversity. This year\, VisCom is excited to have two Knight Fellows for the first time.\n\n \n\nSankha Kar and Francine Orr are both seasoned photojou rnalists. Orr having worked for the LA Times and Kar for Gulf News\, the la rgest newspaper in the Middle East. Their exhibit will showcase compelling photojournalistic works that reflect their extensive experience and unique perspectives.\n\n \n\nThe Knight Fellows Exhibit will run from Jan. 22-Feb. 14\, 2025.\n\n\nThe VisCom Focus Gallery is located on the first floor of Schoonover Center and is open Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hours a re sometimes extended to accommodate special events. Admission is FREE! DTEND:20250203T220000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T152217Z DTSTART:20250203T130000Z GEO:39.327748;-82.100322 LOCATION:Schoonover Center\, Viscom Focus Gallery\, Room 140 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Knight Fellows Exhibit\,2008:EventInstance_48002984506687 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:The Scripps College of Communication's School of Visual Communi cation is proud to announce a special exhibit by current Knight Fellows\, S ankha Kar and Francine Orr\, in the VisCom Focus Gallery.\n\n\nThe Knight F ellowship is a competitive opportunity offered to mid-career professionals to earn a master’s degree from the School of Visual Communication at Ohio U niversity. This year\, VisCom is excited to have two Knight Fellows for the first time.\n\n \n\nSankha Kar and Francine Orr are both seasoned photojou rnalists. Orr having worked for the LA Times and Kar for Gulf News\, the la rgest newspaper in the Middle East. Their exhibit will showcase compelling photojournalistic works that reflect their extensive experience and unique perspectives.\n\n \n\nThe Knight Fellows Exhibit will run from Jan. 22-Feb. 14\, 2025.\n\n\nThe VisCom Focus Gallery is located on the first floor of Schoonover Center and is open Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hours a re sometimes extended to accommodate special events. Admission is FREE! DTEND:20250204T220000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T152217Z DTSTART:20250204T130000Z GEO:39.327748;-82.100322 LOCATION:Schoonover Center\, Viscom Focus Gallery\, Room 140 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Knight Fellows Exhibit\,2008:EventInstance_48002984508736 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:The Scripps College of Communication's School of Visual Communi cation is proud to announce a special exhibit by current Knight Fellows\, S ankha Kar and Francine Orr\, in the VisCom Focus Gallery.\n\n\nThe Knight F ellowship is a competitive opportunity offered to mid-career professionals to earn a master’s degree from the School of Visual Communication at Ohio U niversity. This year\, VisCom is excited to have two Knight Fellows for the first time.\n\n \n\nSankha Kar and Francine Orr are both seasoned photojou rnalists. Orr having worked for the LA Times and Kar for Gulf News\, the la rgest newspaper in the Middle East. Their exhibit will showcase compelling photojournalistic works that reflect their extensive experience and unique perspectives.\n\n \n\nThe Knight Fellows Exhibit will run from Jan. 22-Feb. 14\, 2025.\n\n\nThe VisCom Focus Gallery is located on the first floor of Schoonover Center and is open Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hours a re sometimes extended to accommodate special events. Admission is FREE! DTEND:20250205T220000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T152217Z DTSTART:20250205T130000Z GEO:39.327748;-82.100322 LOCATION:Schoonover Center\, Viscom Focus Gallery\, Room 140 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Knight Fellows Exhibit\,2008:EventInstance_48002984509761 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:The Scripps College of Communication's School of Visual Communi cation is proud to announce a special exhibit by current Knight Fellows\, S ankha Kar and Francine Orr\, in the VisCom Focus Gallery.\n\n\nThe Knight F ellowship is a competitive opportunity offered to mid-career professionals to earn a master’s degree from the School of Visual Communication at Ohio U niversity. This year\, VisCom is excited to have two Knight Fellows for the first time.\n\n \n\nSankha Kar and Francine Orr are both seasoned photojou rnalists. Orr having worked for the LA Times and Kar for Gulf News\, the la rgest newspaper in the Middle East. Their exhibit will showcase compelling photojournalistic works that reflect their extensive experience and unique perspectives.\n\n \n\nThe Knight Fellows Exhibit will run from Jan. 22-Feb. 14\, 2025.\n\n\nThe VisCom Focus Gallery is located on the first floor of Schoonover Center and is open Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hours a re sometimes extended to accommodate special events. Admission is FREE! DTEND:20250206T220000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T152217Z DTSTART:20250206T130000Z GEO:39.327748;-82.100322 LOCATION:Schoonover Center\, Viscom Focus Gallery\, Room 140 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Knight Fellows Exhibit\,2008:EventInstance_48002984510786 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:The Scripps College of Communication's School of Visual Communi cation is proud to announce a special exhibit by current Knight Fellows\, S ankha Kar and Francine Orr\, in the VisCom Focus Gallery.\n\n\nThe Knight F ellowship is a competitive opportunity offered to mid-career professionals to earn a master’s degree from the School of Visual Communication at Ohio U niversity. This year\, VisCom is excited to have two Knight Fellows for the first time.\n\n \n\nSankha Kar and Francine Orr are both seasoned photojou rnalists. Orr having worked for the LA Times and Kar for Gulf News\, the la rgest newspaper in the Middle East. Their exhibit will showcase compelling photojournalistic works that reflect their extensive experience and unique perspectives.\n\n \n\nThe Knight Fellows Exhibit will run from Jan. 22-Feb. 14\, 2025.\n\n\nThe VisCom Focus Gallery is located on the first floor of Schoonover Center and is open Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hours a re sometimes extended to accommodate special events. Admission is FREE! DTEND:20250207T220000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T152217Z DTSTART:20250207T130000Z GEO:39.327748;-82.100322 LOCATION:Schoonover Center\, Viscom Focus Gallery\, Room 140 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Knight Fellows Exhibit\,2008:EventInstance_48002984512835 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:The Scripps College of Communication's School of Visual Communi cation is proud to announce a special exhibit by current Knight Fellows\, S ankha Kar and Francine Orr\, in the VisCom Focus Gallery.\n\n\nThe Knight F ellowship is a competitive opportunity offered to mid-career professionals to earn a master’s degree from the School of Visual Communication at Ohio U niversity. This year\, VisCom is excited to have two Knight Fellows for the first time.\n\n \n\nSankha Kar and Francine Orr are both seasoned photojou rnalists. Orr having worked for the LA Times and Kar for Gulf News\, the la rgest newspaper in the Middle East. Their exhibit will showcase compelling photojournalistic works that reflect their extensive experience and unique perspectives.\n\n \n\nThe Knight Fellows Exhibit will run from Jan. 22-Feb. 14\, 2025.\n\n\nThe VisCom Focus Gallery is located on the first floor of Schoonover Center and is open Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hours a re sometimes extended to accommodate special events. Admission is FREE! DTEND:20250210T220000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T152217Z DTSTART:20250210T130000Z GEO:39.327748;-82.100322 LOCATION:Schoonover Center\, Viscom Focus Gallery\, Room 140 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Knight Fellows Exhibit\,2008:EventInstance_48002984513860 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:The Scripps College of Communication's School of Visual Communi cation is proud to announce a special exhibit by current Knight Fellows\, S ankha Kar and Francine Orr\, in the VisCom Focus Gallery.\n\n\nThe Knight F ellowship is a competitive opportunity offered to mid-career professionals to earn a master’s degree from the School of Visual Communication at Ohio U niversity. This year\, VisCom is excited to have two Knight Fellows for the first time.\n\n \n\nSankha Kar and Francine Orr are both seasoned photojou rnalists. Orr having worked for the LA Times and Kar for Gulf News\, the la rgest newspaper in the Middle East. Their exhibit will showcase compelling photojournalistic works that reflect their extensive experience and unique perspectives.\n\n \n\nThe Knight Fellows Exhibit will run from Jan. 22-Feb. 14\, 2025.\n\n\nThe VisCom Focus Gallery is located on the first floor of Schoonover Center and is open Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hours a re sometimes extended to accommodate special events. Admission is FREE! DTEND:20250211T220000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T152217Z DTSTART:20250211T130000Z GEO:39.327748;-82.100322 LOCATION:Schoonover Center\, Viscom Focus Gallery\, Room 140 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Knight Fellows Exhibit\,2008:EventInstance_48002984515909 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:The Scripps College of Communication's School of Visual Communi cation is proud to announce a special exhibit by current Knight Fellows\, S ankha Kar and Francine Orr\, in the VisCom Focus Gallery.\n\n\nThe Knight F ellowship is a competitive opportunity offered to mid-career professionals to earn a master’s degree from the School of Visual Communication at Ohio U niversity. This year\, VisCom is excited to have two Knight Fellows for the first time.\n\n \n\nSankha Kar and Francine Orr are both seasoned photojou rnalists. Orr having worked for the LA Times and Kar for Gulf News\, the la rgest newspaper in the Middle East. Their exhibit will showcase compelling photojournalistic works that reflect their extensive experience and unique perspectives.\n\n \n\nThe Knight Fellows Exhibit will run from Jan. 22-Feb. 14\, 2025.\n\n\nThe VisCom Focus Gallery is located on the first floor of Schoonover Center and is open Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hours a re sometimes extended to accommodate special events. Admission is FREE! DTEND:20250212T220000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T152217Z DTSTART:20250212T130000Z GEO:39.327748;-82.100322 LOCATION:Schoonover Center\, Viscom Focus Gallery\, Room 140 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Knight Fellows Exhibit\,2008:EventInstance_48002984516934 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:The Scripps College of Communication's School of Visual Communi cation is proud to announce a special exhibit by current Knight Fellows\, S ankha Kar and Francine Orr\, in the VisCom Focus Gallery.\n\n\nThe Knight F ellowship is a competitive opportunity offered to mid-career professionals to earn a master’s degree from the School of Visual Communication at Ohio U niversity. This year\, VisCom is excited to have two Knight Fellows for the first time.\n\n \n\nSankha Kar and Francine Orr are both seasoned photojou rnalists. Orr having worked for the LA Times and Kar for Gulf News\, the la rgest newspaper in the Middle East. Their exhibit will showcase compelling photojournalistic works that reflect their extensive experience and unique perspectives.\n\n \n\nThe Knight Fellows Exhibit will run from Jan. 22-Feb. 14\, 2025.\n\n\nThe VisCom Focus Gallery is located on the first floor of Schoonover Center and is open Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hours a re sometimes extended to accommodate special events. Admission is FREE! DTEND:20250213T220000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T152218Z DTSTART:20250213T130000Z GEO:39.327748;-82.100322 LOCATION:Schoonover Center\, Viscom Focus Gallery\, Room 140 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Knight Fellows Exhibit\,2008:EventInstance_48002984518983 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:The Scripps College of Communication's School of Visual Communi cation is proud to announce a special exhibit by current Knight Fellows\, S ankha Kar and Francine Orr\, in the VisCom Focus Gallery.\n\n\nThe Knight F ellowship is a competitive opportunity offered to mid-career professionals to earn a master’s degree from the School of Visual Communication at Ohio U niversity. This year\, VisCom is excited to have two Knight Fellows for the first time.\n\n \n\nSankha Kar and Francine Orr are both seasoned photojou rnalists. Orr having worked for the LA Times and Kar for Gulf News\, the la rgest newspaper in the Middle East. Their exhibit will showcase compelling photojournalistic works that reflect their extensive experience and unique perspectives.\n\n \n\nThe Knight Fellows Exhibit will run from Jan. 22-Feb. 14\, 2025.\n\n\nThe VisCom Focus Gallery is located on the first floor of Schoonover Center and is open Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hours a re sometimes extended to accommodate special events. Admission is FREE! DTEND:20250214T220000Z DTSTAMP:20241122T152218Z DTSTART:20250214T130000Z GEO:39.327748;-82.100322 LOCATION:Schoonover Center\, Viscom Focus Gallery\, Room 140 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Knight Fellows Exhibit\,2008:EventInstance_48002984520008 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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