CATEGORIES:Academic Calendar
DESCRIPTION:Last day to apply for graduation for fall semester. Fall Comme
ncement will be held December 10\, 2022.\n\nStudents who want to graduate f
all semester but fail to apply for graduation by September 26\, 2022 must p
ay a $100.00 fine to have their graduation application processed.\n\nNote:
Official degree conferral date and commencement are December 10\, 2022.\n\n
Graduation is not automatic. To graduate\, all students (undergraduate\, gr
aduate\, and medical) must apply no later than the graduation application d
eadline for the term in which graduation is planned.\n\nTo Apply:\n\nSign i
n to My OHIO Student Center. Click on "other academic..." Choose "Apply for
Graduation OHIO.” You will be taken to the graduation application. Respond
to the questions and complete the fields in the application. Click “Save a
nd continue” to progress through the application. Your application is not c
omplete until you have clicked “Complete Application” on the page that summ
arizes all of your application details. This will finalize your application
and you will not be able to make any changes after this step. Once you com
plete the application\, any changes must be made by sending an email to gra or by calling 740.593.4196. Within the application you may
optionally “Save” your application prior to completing it. For example\, i
f you don’t have time to complete it at once or need to gather information
prior to finalizing\, you can logout after you have clicked one of the “Sav
e and continue” buttons. Your application will be saved and you will be abl
e to log on before the deadline to complete the other items and finalize yo
ur application by clicking “Complete Application.” If you have initiated bu
t not completed the application process\, you will receive an email a few d
ays before the application deadline reminding you to finalize your applicat
ion. If you don’t finalize your application by clicking “Complete Applicati
on\,” you will not be considered for graduation\, your name will not appear
in the commencement program\, and your account will not be assessed a grad
uation application fee. You will receive an email with a confirmation numbe
r for your application for graduation. If you do not have a confirmation nu
mber\, then your graduation application has not been submitted. Students th
at have requested confidentiality of their educational records must release
the confidentiality hold in order to be included in the commencement progr
am.\n\nGRADUATION APPLICATION FEES (subject to change)\n\nDegrees $50.00**
Certificates $25.00**\nReapplication $5.00\n\n**Not applicable for students
in The OHIO Guarantee\n\nIf you need assistance\, please email graduation@ or call 740.593.4196.
SUMMARY:Last day to apply for graduation for fall semester\,2008:EventInstance_40015404018596