BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Join Jasper Dafeamekpor\, Graphic Design\, for the presentation of "Lessons from Granny\," a 2023 MFA thesis exhibition. On display in Ohi o University Art Gallery\, Seigfred Hall\, March 29 – Saturday April 1. Rec eption March 30\, 5-7pm. DTEND:20230329T200000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T132415Z DTSTART:20230329T160000Z GEO:39.3287;-82.098398 LOCATION:Seigfred Hall\, Ohio University Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Lessons from Granny | MFA Thesis Exhibition by Jasper Dafeamekpor\,2008:EventInstance_42768011958608 URL: on_by_jasper_dafeamekpor END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Join Jasper Dafeamekpor\, Graphic Design\, for the presentation of "Lessons from Granny\," a 2023 MFA thesis exhibition. On display in Ohi o University Art Gallery\, Seigfred Hall\, March 29 – Saturday April 1. Rec eption March 30\, 5-7pm. DTEND:20230331T000000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T132415Z DTSTART:20230330T160000Z GEO:39.3287;-82.098398 LOCATION:Seigfred Hall\, Ohio University Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Lessons from Granny | MFA Thesis Exhibition by Jasper Dafeamekpor\,2008:EventInstance_42768011960657 URL: on_by_jasper_dafeamekpor END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Join Jasper Dafeamekpor\, Graphic Design\, for the presentation of "Lessons from Granny\," a 2023 MFA thesis exhibition. On display in Ohi o University Art Gallery\, Seigfred Hall\, March 29 – Saturday April 1. Rec eption March 30\, 5-7pm. DTEND:20230331T200000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T132415Z DTSTART:20230331T160000Z GEO:39.3287;-82.098398 LOCATION:Seigfred Hall\, Ohio University Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Lessons from Granny | MFA Thesis Exhibition by Jasper Dafeamekpor\,2008:EventInstance_42768011962706 URL: on_by_jasper_dafeamekpor END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Exhibition DESCRIPTION:Join Jasper Dafeamekpor\, Graphic Design\, for the presentation of "Lessons from Granny\," a 2023 MFA thesis exhibition. On display in Ohi o University Art Gallery\, Seigfred Hall\, March 29 – Saturday April 1. Rec eption March 30\, 5-7pm. DTEND:20230401T200000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T132415Z DTSTART:20230401T160000Z GEO:39.3287;-82.098398 LOCATION:Seigfred Hall\, Ohio University Art Gallery SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Lessons from Granny | MFA Thesis Exhibition by Jasper Dafeamekpor\,2008:EventInstance_42768011963731 URL: on_by_jasper_dafeamekpor END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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