BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Join the Ohio Universtiy LGBT Center and our campus and communi ty partners in learning more about transgender communities\, histories\, cu rrent issues\, and tips to make your community more welcoming and celebrato ry of transgender people!\n\n \n\nPlease sign up for as many of our "lunch and learn" events as you'd like and invite others! All are welcome. All of these events are virtual\, through TEAMS. The events will be on Wednesdays in June 2023 from 12:10-1pm. There will be autocaptioning. For other disabi lity accommodation requests contact\; please do so 72 hour s before the event.\n\n \n\nSoon after you register for an online event\, y ou will receive an email containing a calendar invitation that includes a M icrosoft Teams meeting link. With the link in the calendar invite\, you can easily access the event from your internet-enabled device\, such as a tabl et\, smartphone or laptop. \n\n \n\nSix sessionsWednesdays\, 12:10-1\, star ting in JuneJune 7\, 14\, 21\, 28\; July 12\, 19TEAMSRegistration required \n\nJune 7 Respecting Pronouns and Names:An Introduction to Respectful Pron oun Use. A shortened version of our introductory workshop. Practice introdu cing yourself with your pronouns\, practice recovering from a mistake with grace! (with Sarah Doherty)\n\nJune 14 Gender-affirming medical care: what is it and why does it matter? (with Eris Miller '23)\n\nJune 21 Cross-cultu ral and historical gender diversity\nDescription: Learn about some of the g ender diversity around the world and throughout history. \n\nJune 28 How to be an ally/accomplice (with Athens City DEI and Accessibility Training Coo rdinator Lacey Rogers)\nDescription: Join Lacey Rogers\, Athens' Diversity\ , Equity\, Inclusion\, and Accessibility/Training Coordinator\, Jamie Mille r\, President of F-Word Performers\, and Sarah Doherty\, Assistant Director of the LGBT Center to learn about allyship\, what it means to be an accomp lice\, performative allyship\, and specific actions that support trans peop le and the trans community.\n\nTransgender people in sports\nDescription: J oin Ohio University Women's Center Assistant Director Letitia Price to lear n about trans and intersex issues in sports.\n\nJuly 19: TERFs\, lesbians\, and struggles around racism in feminism\nDescription: Join LGBT Center Ass istant Director Sarah Doherty to learn about historical and contemporary te nsions between feminists and feminisms\, and the connection between trans e xclusionary (or "gender critical") feminisms and racist social movements. DTEND:20230607T170000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T062504Z DTSTART:20230607T161000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:LGBT Center: Lunch and Learn\,2008:EventInstance_43283981528004 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Join the Ohio Universtiy LGBT Center and our campus and communi ty partners in learning more about transgender communities\, histories\, cu rrent issues\, and tips to make your community more welcoming and celebrato ry of transgender people!\n\n \n\nPlease sign up for as many of our "lunch and learn" events as you'd like and invite others! All are welcome. All of these events are virtual\, through TEAMS. The events will be on Wednesdays in June 2023 from 12:10-1pm. There will be autocaptioning. For other disabi lity accommodation requests contact\; please do so 72 hour s before the event.\n\n \n\nSoon after you register for an online event\, y ou will receive an email containing a calendar invitation that includes a M icrosoft Teams meeting link. With the link in the calendar invite\, you can easily access the event from your internet-enabled device\, such as a tabl et\, smartphone or laptop. \n\n \n\nSix sessionsWednesdays\, 12:10-1\, star ting in JuneJune 7\, 14\, 21\, 28\; July 12\, 19TEAMSRegistration required \n\nJune 7 Respecting Pronouns and Names:An Introduction to Respectful Pron oun Use. A shortened version of our introductory workshop. Practice introdu cing yourself with your pronouns\, practice recovering from a mistake with grace! (with Sarah Doherty)\n\nJune 14 Gender-affirming medical care: what is it and why does it matter? (with Eris Miller '23)\n\nJune 21 Cross-cultu ral and historical gender diversity\nDescription: Learn about some of the g ender diversity around the world and throughout history. \n\nJune 28 How to be an ally/accomplice (with Athens City DEI and Accessibility Training Coo rdinator Lacey Rogers)\nDescription: Join Lacey Rogers\, Athens' Diversity\ , Equity\, Inclusion\, and Accessibility/Training Coordinator\, Jamie Mille r\, President of F-Word Performers\, and Sarah Doherty\, Assistant Director of the LGBT Center to learn about allyship\, what it means to be an accomp lice\, performative allyship\, and specific actions that support trans peop le and the trans community.\n\nTransgender people in sports\nDescription: J oin Ohio University Women's Center Assistant Director Letitia Price to lear n about trans and intersex issues in sports.\n\nJuly 19: TERFs\, lesbians\, and struggles around racism in feminism\nDescription: Join LGBT Center Ass istant Director Sarah Doherty to learn about historical and contemporary te nsions between feminists and feminisms\, and the connection between trans e xclusionary (or "gender critical") feminisms and racist social movements. DTEND:20230614T170000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T062504Z DTSTART:20230614T161000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:LGBT Center: Lunch and Learn\,2008:EventInstance_43283981530053 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Join the Ohio Universtiy LGBT Center and our campus and communi ty partners in learning more about transgender communities\, histories\, cu rrent issues\, and tips to make your community more welcoming and celebrato ry of transgender people!\n\n \n\nPlease sign up for as many of our "lunch and learn" events as you'd like and invite others! All are welcome. All of these events are virtual\, through TEAMS. The events will be on Wednesdays in June 2023 from 12:10-1pm. There will be autocaptioning. For other disabi lity accommodation requests contact\; please do so 72 hour s before the event.\n\n \n\nSoon after you register for an online event\, y ou will receive an email containing a calendar invitation that includes a M icrosoft Teams meeting link. With the link in the calendar invite\, you can easily access the event from your internet-enabled device\, such as a tabl et\, smartphone or laptop. \n\n \n\nSix sessionsWednesdays\, 12:10-1\, star ting in JuneJune 7\, 14\, 21\, 28\; July 12\, 19TEAMSRegistration required \n\nJune 7 Respecting Pronouns and Names:An Introduction to Respectful Pron oun Use. A shortened version of our introductory workshop. Practice introdu cing yourself with your pronouns\, practice recovering from a mistake with grace! (with Sarah Doherty)\n\nJune 14 Gender-affirming medical care: what is it and why does it matter? (with Eris Miller '23)\n\nJune 21 Cross-cultu ral and historical gender diversity\nDescription: Learn about some of the g ender diversity around the world and throughout history. \n\nJune 28 How to be an ally/accomplice (with Athens City DEI and Accessibility Training Coo rdinator Lacey Rogers)\nDescription: Join Lacey Rogers\, Athens' Diversity\ , Equity\, Inclusion\, and Accessibility/Training Coordinator\, Jamie Mille r\, President of F-Word Performers\, and Sarah Doherty\, Assistant Director of the LGBT Center to learn about allyship\, what it means to be an accomp lice\, performative allyship\, and specific actions that support trans peop le and the trans community.\n\nTransgender people in sports\nDescription: J oin Ohio University Women's Center Assistant Director Letitia Price to lear n about trans and intersex issues in sports.\n\nJuly 19: TERFs\, lesbians\, and struggles around racism in feminism\nDescription: Join LGBT Center Ass istant Director Sarah Doherty to learn about historical and contemporary te nsions between feminists and feminisms\, and the connection between trans e xclusionary (or "gender critical") feminisms and racist social movements. DTEND:20230621T170000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T062504Z DTSTART:20230621T161000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:LGBT Center: Lunch and Learn\,2008:EventInstance_43283981532102 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Join the Ohio Universtiy LGBT Center and our campus and communi ty partners in learning more about transgender communities\, histories\, cu rrent issues\, and tips to make your community more welcoming and celebrato ry of transgender people!\n\n \n\nPlease sign up for as many of our "lunch and learn" events as you'd like and invite others! All are welcome. All of these events are virtual\, through TEAMS. The events will be on Wednesdays in June 2023 from 12:10-1pm. There will be autocaptioning. For other disabi lity accommodation requests contact\; please do so 72 hour s before the event.\n\n \n\nSoon after you register for an online event\, y ou will receive an email containing a calendar invitation that includes a M icrosoft Teams meeting link. With the link in the calendar invite\, you can easily access the event from your internet-enabled device\, such as a tabl et\, smartphone or laptop. \n\n \n\nSix sessionsWednesdays\, 12:10-1\, star ting in JuneJune 7\, 14\, 21\, 28\; July 12\, 19TEAMSRegistration required \n\nJune 7 Respecting Pronouns and Names:An Introduction to Respectful Pron oun Use. A shortened version of our introductory workshop. Practice introdu cing yourself with your pronouns\, practice recovering from a mistake with grace! (with Sarah Doherty)\n\nJune 14 Gender-affirming medical care: what is it and why does it matter? (with Eris Miller '23)\n\nJune 21 Cross-cultu ral and historical gender diversity\nDescription: Learn about some of the g ender diversity around the world and throughout history. \n\nJune 28 How to be an ally/accomplice (with Athens City DEI and Accessibility Training Coo rdinator Lacey Rogers)\nDescription: Join Lacey Rogers\, Athens' Diversity\ , Equity\, Inclusion\, and Accessibility/Training Coordinator\, Jamie Mille r\, President of F-Word Performers\, and Sarah Doherty\, Assistant Director of the LGBT Center to learn about allyship\, what it means to be an accomp lice\, performative allyship\, and specific actions that support trans peop le and the trans community.\n\nTransgender people in sports\nDescription: J oin Ohio University Women's Center Assistant Director Letitia Price to lear n about trans and intersex issues in sports.\n\nJuly 19: TERFs\, lesbians\, and struggles around racism in feminism\nDescription: Join LGBT Center Ass istant Director Sarah Doherty to learn about historical and contemporary te nsions between feminists and feminisms\, and the connection between trans e xclusionary (or "gender critical") feminisms and racist social movements. DTEND:20230628T170000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T062504Z DTSTART:20230628T161000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:LGBT Center: Lunch and Learn\,2008:EventInstance_43283981534151 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Join the Ohio Universtiy LGBT Center and our campus and communi ty partners in learning more about transgender communities\, histories\, cu rrent issues\, and tips to make your community more welcoming and celebrato ry of transgender people!\n\n \n\nPlease sign up for as many of our "lunch and learn" events as you'd like and invite others! All are welcome. All of these events are virtual\, through TEAMS. The events will be on Wednesdays in June 2023 from 12:10-1pm. There will be autocaptioning. For other disabi lity accommodation requests contact\; please do so 72 hour s before the event.\n\n \n\nSoon after you register for an online event\, y ou will receive an email containing a calendar invitation that includes a M icrosoft Teams meeting link. With the link in the calendar invite\, you can easily access the event from your internet-enabled device\, such as a tabl et\, smartphone or laptop. \n\n \n\nSix sessionsWednesdays\, 12:10-1\, star ting in JuneJune 7\, 14\, 21\, 28\; July 12\, 19TEAMSRegistration required \n\nJune 7 Respecting Pronouns and Names:An Introduction to Respectful Pron oun Use. A shortened version of our introductory workshop. Practice introdu cing yourself with your pronouns\, practice recovering from a mistake with grace! (with Sarah Doherty)\n\nJune 14 Gender-affirming medical care: what is it and why does it matter? (with Eris Miller '23)\n\nJune 21 Cross-cultu ral and historical gender diversity\nDescription: Learn about some of the g ender diversity around the world and throughout history. \n\nJune 28 How to be an ally/accomplice (with Athens City DEI and Accessibility Training Coo rdinator Lacey Rogers)\nDescription: Join Lacey Rogers\, Athens' Diversity\ , Equity\, Inclusion\, and Accessibility/Training Coordinator\, Jamie Mille r\, President of F-Word Performers\, and Sarah Doherty\, Assistant Director of the LGBT Center to learn about allyship\, what it means to be an accomp lice\, performative allyship\, and specific actions that support trans peop le and the trans community.\n\nTransgender people in sports\nDescription: J oin Ohio University Women's Center Assistant Director Letitia Price to lear n about trans and intersex issues in sports.\n\nJuly 19: TERFs\, lesbians\, and struggles around racism in feminism\nDescription: Join LGBT Center Ass istant Director Sarah Doherty to learn about historical and contemporary te nsions between feminists and feminisms\, and the connection between trans e xclusionary (or "gender critical") feminisms and racist social movements. DTEND:20230712T170000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T062504Z DTSTART:20230712T161000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:LGBT Center: Lunch and Learn\,2008:EventInstance_43283981536200 URL: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Workshops & Classes DESCRIPTION:Join the Ohio Universtiy LGBT Center and our campus and communi ty partners in learning more about transgender communities\, histories\, cu rrent issues\, and tips to make your community more welcoming and celebrato ry of transgender people!\n\n \n\nPlease sign up for as many of our "lunch and learn" events as you'd like and invite others! All are welcome. All of these events are virtual\, through TEAMS. The events will be on Wednesdays in June 2023 from 12:10-1pm. There will be autocaptioning. For other disabi lity accommodation requests contact\; please do so 72 hour s before the event.\n\n \n\nSoon after you register for an online event\, y ou will receive an email containing a calendar invitation that includes a M icrosoft Teams meeting link. With the link in the calendar invite\, you can easily access the event from your internet-enabled device\, such as a tabl et\, smartphone or laptop. \n\n \n\nSix sessionsWednesdays\, 12:10-1\, star ting in JuneJune 7\, 14\, 21\, 28\; July 12\, 19TEAMSRegistration required \n\nJune 7 Respecting Pronouns and Names:An Introduction to Respectful Pron oun Use. A shortened version of our introductory workshop. Practice introdu cing yourself with your pronouns\, practice recovering from a mistake with grace! (with Sarah Doherty)\n\nJune 14 Gender-affirming medical care: what is it and why does it matter? (with Eris Miller '23)\n\nJune 21 Cross-cultu ral and historical gender diversity\nDescription: Learn about some of the g ender diversity around the world and throughout history. \n\nJune 28 How to be an ally/accomplice (with Athens City DEI and Accessibility Training Coo rdinator Lacey Rogers)\nDescription: Join Lacey Rogers\, Athens' Diversity\ , Equity\, Inclusion\, and Accessibility/Training Coordinator\, Jamie Mille r\, President of F-Word Performers\, and Sarah Doherty\, Assistant Director of the LGBT Center to learn about allyship\, what it means to be an accomp lice\, performative allyship\, and specific actions that support trans peop le and the trans community.\n\nTransgender people in sports\nDescription: J oin Ohio University Women's Center Assistant Director Letitia Price to lear n about trans and intersex issues in sports.\n\nJuly 19: TERFs\, lesbians\, and struggles around racism in feminism\nDescription: Join LGBT Center Ass istant Director Sarah Doherty to learn about historical and contemporary te nsions between feminists and feminisms\, and the connection between trans e xclusionary (or "gender critical") feminisms and racist social movements. DTEND:20230719T170000Z DTSTAMP:20240921T062504Z DTSTART:20230719T161000Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:LGBT Center: Lunch and Learn\,2008:EventInstance_43283981538249 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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