BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:The Linguistics Department presents Dr. Asri Nurul Qodri discus sing “Just Find Another Doctor”: A Reflexive Thematic Analysis of Autism Pa rents Facebook Group.\n\n \n\nAbstract: Recent studies in the field of Auti sm Spectrum Disorders (ASD) have increasingly focused on Autistic parenthoo d (Fletcher-Randle\, 2022). In addition to local communities\, online platf orms cater to Autism parents\, providing an avenue to share social support\ , personal experiences\, and health-related information. This study focused on the largest Facebook support group for Autism parents. Employing a Refl exive Thematic Analysis (Braun & Clarke\, 2021)\, this study investigated t he subjective experiences and underlying themes that emerged from 1\,101 po sts. The findings revealed a high percentage of posts by mothers with the m ain purpose of asking for advice on behavior issues and treatments/services . Other topics are sharing accomplishments and venting. Holistically\, the community responses are supportive and informative. These findings indicate a shared trust in parental knowledge\, at times beyond medical perspective s\, and in-group solidarity. Parents often used this forum to seek immediat e emotional outlet and support as admins and members showed collaborative e fforts to protect the online content. This study confirms that social media forums are resourceful and responsive\, but they also need active particip ation from administrators and members to create a safe space for Autism par ents. The findings may also inform professionals about misleading informati on spread within the Autism community.\n\n \n\nDr. Qodri is Associate Glob al Educator at Arizona State University Global Launch. Qodri is also an a lumna of the M.A. Applied Linguistics Program '18.\n\n \n\nVia Microsoft Te ams \n\nJoin the meeting now\n\nMeeting ID: 219 960 959 435\n\nPasscode: rq 9bs6am DTEND:20250214T185000Z DTSTAMP:20250223T232207Z DTSTART:20250214T175500Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Linguistics Colloquium: Autism Parents Facebook Group\,2008:EventInstance_48545018113045 URL: acebook-group END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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