CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations
DESCRIPTION:Linguistics Colloquium | Motivational Strategy Use by Fl Swahil
i Instructors in the United States | Oct. 28\n\nOhio University’s Linguisti
cs Colloquium Series presents Dr. Magdalyne Oguti Akiding discussing “Motiv
ational Strategy Use by Fl Swahili Instructors in the United States” on Fri
day\, Oct. 28\, at 12:55-1:50 pm via Microsoft TEAMS.\n\n \n\nJoin on your
computer or mobile appMeeting ID: 272 010 274 784 Passcode: AXBHWGOr call i
n (audio only) +1 614-706-6572\,\,38818416# United States\, Columbus Phon
e Conference ID: 388 184 16# \n\nContact Dr. David Bell\, Chair of Linguist
ics at Ohio University\,\n\n \n\nAkiding is Lecturer of Swa
hili at Howard University and an alumna of the M.A. in Linguistics program.
\n\n \n\nAbstract: Second language (L2) teachers’ practices in the classroo
m can influence their students’ motivation for learning the L2. Most of the
research in this area has been conducted with students learning English as
L2. Guilloteaux and Dörnyei (2008) recommended that more research be condu
cted on the use of motivational teaching practices in different languages\,
cultures\, and instructional contexts to enrich the literature on this top
ic. In line with that recommendation\, I had three goals with the current s
tudy: first\, to investigate which motivational teaching practices are used
by two teachers of Swahili in the United States\; secondly\, to investigat
e learners’ perceptions of the impacts of those motivational teaching pract
ices on their motivated behaviour\; and thirdly\, to find out the impact of
select factors on teachers’ implementation of those teaching practices.\n\
n \n\nI employed a case study methodology (Duff\, 2014) and collected class
room-based data by means of observations\, stimulated recall sessions\, and
semi-structured interviews. Findings revealed variations in the implementa
tion of motivational teaching practices by the two teachers. While learners
’ perceptions about those strategies were mostly positive\, results also re
vealed instances where students did not perceive some practices as motivati
onal despite their teachers thinking that they were. Factors such as the te
achers’ cultural backgrounds and training were found to influence the teach
ers’ motivational strategy use. Additionally\, teachers’ preparedness to te
ach remotely\, the challenges of remote teaching\, and institutional suppor
t were found to affect their implementation of motivational teaching practi
ces. I discuss these results in particular in light of the time of data col
lection\, which was during the COVID-19 pandemic.
SUMMARY:Linguistics Colloquium | Motivational Strategy Use by Fl Swahili In
structors in the United States | Oct. 28\,2008:EventInstance_40687659262076