BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Linguistics Colloquium | Mind the gap: Collaborative research o n Global English perspectives and attitudes to improve pedagogical practice | Oct. 7\n\nOhio University’s Linguistics Colloquium Series presents Dr. J effrey Maloney discussing “Mind the gap: Collaborative research on Global E nglish perspectives and attitudes to improve pedagogical practice” on Frida y\, Oct. 7 \, at 12:55-1:50 p.m. via Microsoft TEAMS.\n\n \n\nJoin on your computer or mobile appMeeting ID: 272 010 274 784 Passcode: AXBHWGOr call i n (audio only) +1 614-706-6572\,\,38818416# United States\, Columbus Phon e Conference ID: 388 184 16# \n\nContact Dr. David Bell\, Chair of Linguist ics at Ohio University\,\n\n \n\nMaloney is Assistant Profe ssor of EIL & TESOL\, Faculty of Education & Social Work\, Brigham Young Un iversity-Hawaii and an alumnus of the MA Linguistics program.\n\n \n\nAbstr act: There has been ongoing discussion of researcher – practitioner dialogu e and how this might improve pedagogy (e.g.\, Sato & Loewen\, 2019) in inst ructed language acquisition. Similarly\, there has been recognition of need to promote Global English perspectives into classroom practice and teacher training within TESOL (e.g.\, Rose & Galloway\, 2019). In this presentatio n\, I report on a multi-phase research project that investigates (1) attitu des of students towards different English varieties at an international uni versity in the USA and (2) the effect of collaborative research on Global E nglishes (GE) perspectives of pre-service TESOL professionals. I first disc uss the results of the first phase of investigating student perspectives of GEs\, and then explore the themes that arose through interviews with the T ESOL student collaborators who participated in research design and data col lection. I close with a discussion of implications of such collaborative re search projects for promoting language pedagogy that incorporates GE perspe ctives. DTEND:20221007T175000Z DTSTAMP:20240920T203625Z DTSTART:20221007T165500Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Linguistics Colloquium | Mind the gap: Collaborative research on Gl obal English perspectives and attitudes to improve pedagogical practice | O ct. 7\,2008:EventInstance_40687834291100 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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