BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Lectures & Presentations DESCRIPTION:Linguistics Colloquium | Beliefs regarding English as a Hegemon ic Language: The Case of Ecuadorian English Teachers | Sept. 30\n\nOhio Uni versity’s Linguistics Colloquium Series presents Dr. Ana M. Calle discussin g “Beliefs regarding English as a Hegemonic Language: The Case of Ecuadoria n English Teachers” on Friday\, Sept. 30\, at 12:55-1:50 p.m. via Microsoft TEAMS.\n\n \n\nJoin on your computer or mobile appMeeting ID: 272 010 274 784 Passcode: AXBHWGOr call in (audio only) +1 614-706-6572\,\,38818416# United States\, Columbus Phone Conference ID: 388 184 16# \n\nContact Dr. D avid Bell\, Chair of Linguistics at Ohio University\,\n\n \ n\nCalle is Associate Professor of the English Teaching Major\, University of Cuenca\, Ecuador and an alumna of the MA Linguistics program.\n\n \n\nA bstract: This study explores a contemporary topic within the scope of Teach ing English for Speakers of Other Languages from a critical poststructurali st approach in an unexamined context: The case of Ecuador. Phillipson´s (19 92) and Holliday´s (2005\, 2006\, 2013) contributions of linguistic imperia lism and native-speakerism\, respectively\, constitute the main theoretical constructs of this research. It aims to describe the beliefs of a group of Ecuadorian teachers regarding the expansion\, use\, and teaching of the En glish language through the lens of a qualitative and interpretive methodolo gy. To collect the data\, an online questionnaire\, a semi structured inter view\, and a postcard4 were used\; and a process of content analysis was ca rried out. The findings show fluid and contradictory beliefs. The Ecuadoria n teachers consider the spread of English to be a natural phenomenon which brings benefits to its learners\, especially in the professional and academ ic fields. Participants do not believe that the native speakers are the cus todians of the English language and deem themselves qualified individuals\, prepared to teach this language. Thus\, they disagree with the ideas assoc iated with native-speakerism which give preference to native speaker teache rs as the ideal English instructors. Teaching English is considered a neutr al and apolitical phenomenon characterized by its instrumental purposes. Ho wever\, these teachers advocate for the development of critical and reflect ive students. They also display a strong reliance on the teaching approache s established in the center as well as a dependency regarding materials and international exams. Finally\, the participants subscribe to the applicati on of translingual practices in the classroom\, especially the use of Spani sh. They also demonstrate an openness to interculturality and the teaching of English as an International language. DTEND:20220930T175000Z DTSTAMP:20250217T073729Z DTSTART:20220930T165500Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Linguistics Colloquium | Beliefs regarding English as a Hegemonic L anguage: The Case of Ecuadorian English Teachers | Sept. 30\,2008:EventInstance_40687767479153 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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